Autor: Thomas Auer

Dr. Ulrich Knaack was formerly an architect in Düsseldorf and is now a professor of construction and design at the Technische Universiteit Delft (Delft University of Technology) and the Fachhochschule Detmold (University of Applied Sciences, Detmold). He is the author of the well-known textbooks Konstruktiver Glasbau (Glass Construction) and editor of the Birkhäuser series „Principles of Construction”. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Auer is a partner at Transsolar Energietechnik in Stuttgart. He is a specialist in integrated building technology, and since 2001 he has been teaching at Yale University in the field of the Environmental Design of Buildings. Dipl.-Ing. Tillmann Klein is an architect and heads the Facade Research Group at the Chair of Professor Knaack, Delft University of Technology. Marcel Bilow is a research associate with Prof. Knaack’s chair at the Fachhochschule Lippe & Höxter (Lippe & Höxter University of Applied Sciences) in Detmold, where he directs the field Forschung und Entwicklung (Research and Development).

3 Ebooki wg Thomas Auer

Fabrizio Aimar & Thomas Auer: Disruptive technologies. The integration of advanced technology in architecture teaching and radical projects for the future city
La crisi globale, compresi i cambiamenti climatici e la conseguente pressione sociale, suggeriscono che la trasformazione dell'habitat umano stia avvenendo più velocemente di quanto finora …
Thomas Auer & Marcel Bilow: Fassaden
Façades determine the appearance of a building. Hence, they constitute a major element in architecture. At the same time, the building’s envelope has important functions to fulfil, such as lighting, …
Thomas Auer & Marcel Bilow: Facades
Introduction to building facades as revised edition Facades determine the appearance of a building. Hence, they constitute a major element in architecture. At the same time, the building’s envelope …