The first of the Cavalier song writers, Thomas Carew became a server at table for King Charles I and was renowned as a “pleasant and facetious wit” among a brilliant circle of friends that included the playwright Ben Jonson. His poems, circulated in manuscript, were amatory lyrics or occasional poems addressed to members of the court, notable for their fluent language and skillful control of mood and imagery. A meticulous workman, his lyrics are among the most complex and thoug...
The first of the Cavalier song writers, Thomas Carew became a server at table for King Charles I and was renowned as a “pleasant and facetious wit” among a brilliant circle of friends that included the playwright Ben Jonson. His poems, circulated in manuscript, were amatory lyrics or occasional poems addressed to members of the court, notable for their fluent language and skillful control of mood and imagery. A meticulous workman, his lyrics are among the most complex and thoughtful of any produced by the Cavalier poets. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature’s finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents Thomas Carew’s complete works, with related illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1)
* Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Carew’s life and works
* Concise introduction to Carew’s life and poetry
* Excellent formatting of the poems
* The Complete Poems, with rare verses discovered many years after Carew’s death
* Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry
* Easily locate the poems you want to read
* Includes Carew’s rare masque — digitised here for the first time
* Features Ebsworth’s seminal memoir — discover Carew’s intriguing life
* Ordering of texts into chronological order and genres
The Life and Poetry of Thomas Carew
Brief Introduction: Thomas Carew
The Complete Poetry of Thomas Carew
The Poems
List of Poems in Chronological Order
List of Poems in Alphabetical Order
The Masque
Coelum Britannicum (1633)
The Biography
Memoir of Carew (1893) by Joseph Woodfall Ebsworth