Hardy’s final novel Jude the Obscure began as a serial publication in December 1894, before being published in book form the following year. The great tale of 'Jude the Obscure, ’ offers some of the author’s most valuable insights into the issues of class, religion, and marriage. It tells the story of Jude Fawley, an aspiring academic from the working-class who falls in love with Sue, his cousin. Finding that their relationship only incurs the wrath and judgment of their community, Jude and Sue experience ostracism and tragedy in this highly controversial Victorian novel. The novel sent shockwaves of indignation rolling across Victorian England.
Having been harshly criticized in its day for its scandalous portrayals, 'Jude the Obscure’ has since been recognized as one of Hardy’s finest and most intricate works. The novel is the most powerful expression of Hardy’s philosophy, and a profound exploration of man’s essential loneliness. It caused outrage when it was published in 1895 and, as a result, was the last novel Hardy ever wrote.