Thomas Hippler is a philosopher and historian and teaches at the University of Caen Normandy. His previous books include Citizens, Soldiers and National Armies: Military Service in France and Germany, 1789-1830 and Bombing the People: Giulio Douhet and the Foundations of Air-Power Strategy, 1884-1939.
12 Ebooki wg Thomas Hippler
Thomas Hippler: Governing from the Skies
Ever since its invention, aviation has embodied the dream of perpetual peace between nations, yet the other side of this is the nightmare of an unprecedented deadly power. A power initially deployed …
Angelika Epple & Walter Erhart: Die Welt beobachten
Von der Entdeckung und Erforschung der einen einzigen Welt am Beginn der europäischen Moderne bis zur statistischen Vermessung und Vereinheitlichung von Wirtschafts- und Universitätssystemen: Die Pra …
Thomas Hippler: Die Regierung des Himmels
1911 wird über Libyen zum ersten Mal in der Weltgeschichte eine Bombe aus einem Flugzeug abgeworfen. Genau hundert Jahre später fallen im Zuge des NATO -Einsatzes wieder Bomben auf das Land. Zurück b …
Thomas Hippler & Milos Vec: Paradoxes of Peace in Nineteenth Century Europe
’Peace’ is often simplistically assumed to be war’s opposite, and as such is not examined closely or critically idealized in the literature of peace studies, its crucial role in the justification of …
Thomas Hippler & Milos Vec: Paradoxes of Peace in Nineteenth Century Europe
’Peace’ is often simplistically assumed to be war’s opposite, and as such is not examined closely or critically idealized in the literature of peace studies, its crucial role in the justification of …
Thomas (Department of Politics and International Relations, Oxford University) Hippler: Citizens, Soldiers and National Armies
This book examines the creation of ‘national armies’ through compulsory military service in France and Prussia during the French Revolution and the Prussian Reform Period. The French Revolution tried …
Thomas (Department of Politics and International Relations, Oxford University) Hippler: Citizens, Soldiers and National Armies
This book examines the creation of ‘national armies’ through compulsory military service in France and Prussia during the French Revolution and the Prussian Reform Period. The French Revolution tried …
Chris (University of Reading, UK) Brewster & Arno Haslberger: Managing Performance Abroad
In a global economy full of multinational firms, international human resource management (including expatriation, career management, and talent management) is a growing topic in the business and mana …
Chris (University of Reading, UK) Brewster & Arno Haslberger: Managing Performance Abroad
In a global economy full of multinational firms, international human resource management (including expatriation, career management, and talent management) is a growing topic in the business and mana …