The is this the book-length work addressing the development of academic freedom and the procedures designed to protect it from the 1915 founding of the AAUP and the AAC to their endorsement of the key document in the history of professorial rights and responsibilities, the 1940 Statement of Principles of Academic Freedom and Tenure.
Spis treści
Introduction Academic Freedom in Development Associating and Academic Freedom Treason and the 'Farce’ of Academic Freedom Competition and Collaboration Freedom of Teaching in Science Social Relations and a Blacklist Disparate Voices Academic Freedom on Trial Conclusion
O autorze
Timothy Reese Cain is an assistant professor in the Department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His historical research examining academic freedom, faculty unionization and related issues has recently appeared in the AAUP Journal of Academic Freedom, History of Education, History of Education Quarterly, Labor History, Perspectives on the History of Higher Education, and Teachers College Record.