Presents the most important portrayals of the Daoist master Yang Zhu throughout Chinese history, from the Warring States period until today.
This volume presents the most important portrayals of an ancient Chinese master, Yang Zhu, throughout Chinese history, from the fourth century BCE till today. Due to the striking scarcity of reliable textual testimony regarding his life and thought, all these portrayals are to a large extent inspired by their own historical contexts: Mencius’s criticism in the late Warring States, the creation of a Confucian orthodoxy during the imperial era, and the establishment of a Chinese philosophy in the Republic. This volume adopts a historical approach, tracing the most important portrayals of Yang Zhu in their own contexts and mutual connections. It yields new insights not only into the figure of Yang Zhu, but also into the stages of China’s intellectual history. Scarcity of reliable textual support is, to varying degrees, a common predicament in the study of ancient Chinese masters, but the case of Yang Zhu is particularly illuminating. The remarkable dearth of textual material represents the almost 'nothing’ out of which early Chinese philosophers such as Yang Zhu have been fruitfully 'created.’
Spis treści
Introduction: Being and Becoming: The Many Portrayals of Yang Zhu
Carine Defoort and Ting-mien Lee
1. Five Pre-Republican Portrayals of Yang Zhu
Carine Defoort
I. From Warring States to Wei-Jin
2. Yang Zhu and Mozi as Critics of Unification Warfare
Ting-mien Lee
3. Beyond Mencius’s Portrayal of Yang Zhu and Mozi: A Zhuangzian-Han Feizian Yang-Mo
Yao-cheng Chang
4. Deconstructing 'Hedonism’: Understanding Yang Zhu in the Liezi
Erica Brindley
II. From Tang to Ming
5. Yang Zhu’s Role in Tang-Song Proto-daotong Discourse
John Makeham
6. Yang Zhu’s Role in the Construction of Zhu Xi’s Daotong
John Makeham
7. Plucking Hairs and Shaving Heads: Li Zhi’s Repudiation of Yang Zhu
Esther Sunkyung Klein
III. From the Qing Dynasty Onward
8. The Birth of the Image of the 'Egoist-Epicurean Philosopher’ Yang Zhu during the Meiji Period
Masayuki Sato
9. Struggling between Tradition and Modernity: Liang Qichao’s Portrayal of Yang Zhu in the Early Twentieth Century
Xiaowei Wang
10. Feng Youlan and Yang Zhu: The Shifting Discursive Space (1920–80)
Xiaoqing Diana Lin
11. Three Dimensions of Yang Zhu Research in the Twentieth Century: Hu Shi, Meng Wentong, and Guan Feng
Feng Cao
About the Contributors
O autorze
Carine Defoort is Associate Professor in the Department of Oriental Studies, Sinology at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium.