Larry Racioppo, born and raised in South Brooklyn, is the author of a previous book of photography, Halloween. He received a 1997 Guggenheim Fellowship in photography and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, New York State Council on the Arts, and the Graham Foundation. Racioppo”s photographs are in numeours collections, including the Museum of the City of New York, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn Public Library, El Museo del Barrio, and the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. Tom Robbins reported on New York City for more than thirty years for the Daily News, the New York Observer, and the Village Voice. Cellblock Justice, his series on violence in New York prisons, produced in collaboration with The Marshall Project and the New York Times, was named a 2016 Pulitzer Prize finalist for investigative reporting and won the 2016 Hillman Prize for Newspaper Journalism. He teaches investigative journalism at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism. Julia Van Haaften is a consultant on photography and museum collections. She has written widely on photography history and curated a score of exhibitions. Her biography of the photographer Berenice Abbott was published in early 2018 by W. W. Norton. Van Haaften was the founding curator of the photography collection at the New York Public Library, from 1980 to 2001, before joining its Digital Library Program. She served as director of collections at the Museum of City of New York from 2005 until her retirement in 2010.
24 Ebooki wg Tom Robbins
Tom Robbins: Stones of Aran
Stones of Aran: Pilgrimage is, as Robert Macfarlane says in his introduction, 'one of the most sustained, intensive and imaginative studies of a place that has ever been carried out'. That …
Brooklyn Before
Before Brooklyn rose to international fame there existed a vibrant borough of neighborhoods rich with connections and traditions. During the 1970s and 1980s, photographer Larry Racioppo, a South Broo …
Tom Robbins: Völker dieser Welt, relaxt!
Ein CIA-Agent unterwegs im Auftrag der Großmutter Was haben ein zur Nonne gewordenes Nacktmodell, ein Urwaldmagier, eine Großmutter, eine reizvolle Lolita und der Papst gemein? Sie sind Albtraum und …
Tom Robbins: Salomes siebter Schleier
Ein Jude und ein Araber eröffnen gemeinsam ein Restaurant gegenüber dem New Yorker UNO-Gebäude. Da solch ein Ort der Völkerverständigung militanten Fundamentalisten aller Seiten ein Dorn im Auge sein …
Tom Robbins: Halbschlaf im Froschpyjama
An der Börse in Seattle stürzen die Kurse ab. Die Börsenmaklerin Gwendolyn Mati befürchtet, mit ihren nicht ganz sauberen Spekulationen baden zu gehen. Sie strapaziert all ihren Grips, um den Kopf au …
Tom Robbins: Villa Incognito
Chaos in Laos – Tom Robbins ist Kult. Villa Incognito – ein Paradies im laotischen Dschungel. Vorzügliche Currys, charmante Konkubinen, Philosophiestunden jederzeit gratis. Kommen Sie her, aber sind …
Tom Robbins: B wie Bier
Es war einmal (ungefähr heute) ein Land (wie wär's mit den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika?), dessen Bewohner jedes Jahr 36 Milliarden Gallonen Bier tranken (das ist eine Tatsache, kann man goog …
Tom Robbins: Pan Aroma
«Ein altes ukrainisches Sprichwort warnt: Eine Geschichte, die mit einer Roten Bete anfängt, endet mit dem Teufel.» In «Pan Aroma» lauern noch ganz andere Gefahren auf den Leser: Wohlgerüche schlagen …
Tom Robbins: Buntspecht
Dieses Buch – der zweite Roman des amerikanischen Kultautors Tom Robbins – offenbart den Widerspruch zwischen sozialem Engagement und individueller Romantik, die Frage nach dem Zweck des Mondes, den …
Tom Robbins: B Is for Beer
"B Is for Beer isn’t meant for children . . . But kids at heart, and anyone bemused by Robbins’ previous novels, will guzzle down Robbins’ latest brew." -The Denver Post A children’s book a …
Tom Robbins: Tibetan Peach Pie
Internationally bestselling novelist and American icon Tom Robbins’ legendary memoir-wild tales of his life and times, both at home and around the globe.Tom Robbins’ warm, wise, and wonderfully weird …
Brooklyn Before
Before Brooklyn rose to international fame there existed a vibrant borough of neighborhoods rich with connections and traditions. During the 1970s and 1980s, photographer Larry Racioppo, a South Broo …
Tom Robbins: Half Asleep In Frog Pyjamas
When the stock market crashes on the Thursday before Easter, you – an ambitious, though ineffectual and not entirely ethical young broker – are convinced you are facing the Weekend From Hell.You don’ …
Jim Morrison: Collected Works of Jim Morrison
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERThe definitive anthology of Jim Morrison’s writings with rare photographs and numerous handwritten excerpts of unpublished and published poetry and lyrics from his 28 private …
Mike Campi: Mafia Takedown
The true story of FBI agent Mike Campi who led some of the most relentless and successful attacks on organized crime in American history. A unique and unexpected set of circumstances caused former FB …