Spis treści
Part I: Introduction.
1. The Scientific Study of Child and Adolescent Development:Forefront Issues in the Field Today (William Damon and Richard M.Lerner).
Part II: Bi...
Spis treści
Part I: Introduction.
1. The Scientific Study of Child and Adolescent Development:Forefront Issues in the Field Today (William Damon and Richard M.Lerner).
Part II: Biological Foundations.
2. Neural Bases of Cognitive Development (Charles A. Nelson III, Kathleen M. Thomas, and Michelle de Haan).
3. Temperament (Mary K. Rothbart and John E. Bates).
Part III: Parental and Peer Relations.
4. Socialization in the Family (Ross D. Parke and Raymond Buriel).
Part IV: Personality, Self, and Self-Concept.
5. Peer Interactions, Relationships, and Groups (Kenneth H.Rubin, William M. Bukowski, Jeffrey G. Parker and Julie C.Bowker).
6. Personality Development (Rebecca L. Shiner and Avshalom Caspi).
7. The Self (Susan Harter).
Part V: Language and Thought.
8. Acquiring Linguistic Constructions (Michael Tomasello).
9. Conceptual Development (Susan A. Gelman and Charles W.Kalish).
10. Development in the Arts: Drawing and Music (Ellen Winner).
Part VI: Emotion and Motivation.
11. Emotional Development: Action, Communication, and Understanding
(Carolyn Saarni, Joseph J. Campos, Linda A. Camras, and David Witherington).
12. Development of Achievement Motivation (Allan Wigfield, Jacquelynne S. Eccles, Robert Roeser, and Ulrich Schiefele).
Part VII: Prosocial Behavior, Antisocial Behavior, and Moral Development.
13. Aggression and Antisocial Behavior in Youth (Kenneth A.Dodge, John D. Coie, and Donald Lynam).
14. The Development of Morality (Elliot Turiel).
Part VIII: Adolescence.
15. The Second Decade: What Develops and How (Deanna Kuhn and Sam Franklin).
16. Adolescent Development in Interpersonal Context (W. Andrew Collins and Laurence Steinberg).
Part IX: Diversity in Development.
17. Cultural and Cognitive Development (Michael Cole).
18. Gender Development (Sheri A. Berenbaum, Carol Lynn Martin, and Diane N. Ruble).
19. Phenomenology and Ecological Systems Theory: Development of Diverse Groups (Margaret Beale Spencer).