Is the Church truly above politics? Or is it all too often a gullible victim of the political arena?
The theme of this prophetic work is that Christians must comprehend politics if they are to transcend politics. In 'Conscience and Obedience’, William Stringfellow reviews the long history of the church’s interpretations and misinterpretations of Scriptural texts relating to politics. The most notorious abuses have come, he says, in interpretations of Romans 13 and Revelation 13.
Stringfellow declares that what is missing most is an understanding of eschatology that can stand against any political ideology, whether of the status quo or revolution.
'Conscience and Obedience’ challenges the reader to examine the sources of our faith and our freedom.
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Bill Wylie-Kellermann is a non-violent community activist and United Methodist pastor recently retired from St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. A native Detroiter and graduate of Union Theological Seminary (NYC), he is connected to the Detroit Catholic Worker. In addition to Wipf and Stock titles, he has also authored Principalities in Particular: A Practical Theology of the Powers That Be, William Stringfellow: Essential Writings, , and Dying Well: The Resurrected Life of Jeanie Wylie-Kellermann, . He is co-founder of Word and World: A Peoples’ School and adjunct faculty at Ecumenical Theological Seminary, Detroit. He has been engaged in direct action for justice and peace now 5 decades, most recently with the Michigan Poor Peoples Campaign and the Detroit Water Struggle. In Jesus, he bets his life on the gospel non-violence, good news to the poor, Word made flesh, beloved community, and freedom from the power of death.