Xiangbin Pan is a hybrid doctor who has surgical and interventional licenses. He is the chief of the Department of Structural Heart Disease, National Center for Cardiovascular Disease, China; Fu Wai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences; and the Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China.
Ziyad M. Hijazi is the Chairman of PICS, the PICS-AICS Congress and the Chair of the Department of Pediatrics, Sidra Cardiac Program, and Sidra Medical & Research Center, Doha, Qatar. Horst Sievert is the Chairman of CSI Congress and the Chair of Cardio Vascular Center Frankfurt, Germany.
1 Ebooki wg Xiangbin Pan
Xiangbin Pan & Ziyad M. Hijazi: Percutaneous and Non-fluoroscopical (PAN) Procedure for Structural Heart Disease
This book provides an extensive discussion of echocardiography-guided percutaneous interventional techniques for clinical practitioners, including cardiologists, interventional physicians, surgeons a …