’Re-union of soul and Spirit, after so long living in the Great Divorce from God, is the theme for this life-time. . . . To find the real resolution from suffering is the work we are here to do.
The key to gaining spiritual freedom . . . is the ability to learn from our experience. This ability to learn from experience is basic to all growth. So many people repeat the same errors and expect different results: this is insanity. The soul who wishes to really grow must be a keen observer of cause and effect, for this is the universal law of creation.
How can we remain in a shadow existence when that is not who we are? Realize that there is much more to us. Let us demand our birthright, proclaim our freedom, and manifest all that we are in truth. This is the task for which we have come and it waits for us to step into the Divine Image and Likeness of who and what we truly are.’
- Yogacharya David
Yogacharya David, as a modern Western yogi, found his way through materialism and the five-sense bound nature that seems to have captured humankind to discover a new understanding of truth-the sacred, ancient, yogic science of truth. Join Yogacharya David as he shares his journey and seeks the infinite soul-force-mankind’s unique spiritual heritage-he finds the path that is seeded in the sovereign heart of each individual. As Yogacharya David shares his marvellous and perilous pilgrimage of sacred discovery with us, we too can embody more conscious soul-force, birthing a new re-union of soul and Spirit.
Spis treści
A Happy Hangover3
Your True Likeness and Image5
Oh, The Places You’ll Go!7
Carla, Happy Birthday!11
From the Gecko to the Lady in
Fluorescent Pink Shoes13
The Needle and the Magnet15
Theory for Lasting Happiness18
Both Fully Human and Fully Divine20
Part One: The Joy of Tidying23
Part Two: The Joy of Tidying 226
More Joy29
Part One: Choosing Only Joyful Thoughts32
Part Two: Finding a Place for Joy35
Fulfilling Your Heart’s Desire39
Making Room for God:
Only Keeping the Things I Love43
Truth Will Make You Free47
Travis Raney, Graduation Speech50
Come, Follow Me54
The Redemption of Cain and Abel59
Your Birth Heritage62
Making This World a Haven of Peace and Goodness65
The Seed of Awakening68
Updates in Tidying71
Increased Ardor73
Turmeric and Health Updates75
A Peek at the Retreat78
From the Loon Lake Retreat: Hitch Your
Desire to the Highest Star There Is81
Mother’s Day84
Who Are My Brethren?86
Love and Truth88
Memorial Memories90
Guru Prem93
Recognizing the Divine Presence95
Qualify Yourself98
The Master Forger100
Summer Solstice102
All Experience Is Woven
Into the Fabric of Your Being104
Let Freedom Ring106
Best Job - Ever!109
Your Life’s Narrative112
Faith Stands the Test of Reason115
Shadows of Doubt118
The Beginning of Our Pilgrimage120
The Great 'I Am’123
Salt Lake City126
The Sculptures of Arches National Park130
Mt. Vernon Dharmashala134
Bending and Re-Shaping Reality137
From Moab to Bryce140
Time Passages at Bryce National Park144
Something Is Terribly Wrong Here147
Divine Mother and All Saints
Eve/Day at Zion Park151
From Snow Canyon to Valley of Fire154
God as Our Tour Guide157
Pilgrimage’s Twists and Turns160
Patience and Persistence163
Healing Messages167
A Keen Sense of Gratitude on
This Thanksgiving Day176
Freedom in the Divine Presence181
Be Born Anew184
Blessings of God, Gurus and You187
Winter Solstice Soaring189
The Light Ever Shining193
Awakened Life-Force196
Image Attribution205
About the Author211
Also by Yogacharya David213
O autorze
Ruth M. Lamb, BA, MSN, Ph D., health care professional, author, and editor began her career as a critical care nurse. Following this, she became a corporate Director of Nursing and then moved from conventional Western medicine to study other healing modalities. She completed programs addressing the mind-body epigenetic connection and the electromagnetic-light body bioelectric mechanisms of health and healing. She then joined an academic institution where she was hired to develop and teach integrative healing programs, taught in Canada and led internships to India. Adult participants in the foundational three-year program completed clinical practice hours and internships in numerous conventional medicine settings under academic-hospital arrangements. Shorter retreat-based strategic resilience programs were developed specifically for First Nations groups and for First Responders.In addition to writing numerous curricula, Standards of Practice documents, and articles, Ruth has written two books: The Sadhana of Healing: A Subtle Energy Approach to Addiction Treatment and Human Becoming: A Guide to Soul-Centered Living.Ruth is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She has made many trips to India to study the Vedic system of living and healing. She continues to study the integral, multidimensional relationship that leads to vibrant health and a well-lived life.She is currently editing the life work of Yogacharya David Hickenbottom, a Western yogi of the Kriya Yoga tradition, at the invitation of David’s wife, Carla. Yogacharya David left a legacy of accessible teachings, he reminds us that our sacred connection bridges physical to energy-body, mental, intuitive/transpersonal and spiritual, all in one unique human being. Ruth sees Yogacharya David’s legacy writings to be capable of nurturing us back to our true origin in spirit; they can assist us to re-remember our unique purpose-the purpose that brought us to this realm of physical matter.