Deniz Bayrakdar is the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Vice Rector at Kadir Has University, Istanbul. She has been the organizer of the New Directions in Turkish Film Studies Conference since 1998, which celebrates its tenth year in 2009. She has published mainly editions on Turkish Cinema; Gender and Media, and Mediated Identities such as:ROSS, Karen, DERMAN. (eds.) Identity Politics and the Media: Mapping the Margins. Hampton Press, New Jersey, ABD (2002)ROSS, Karen, DERMAN, Deniz, DAKOVIC, Nevena. (eds.) Mediated Identities. Med-Campus Yayınları (2001) DERMAN, Deniz, ROSS, Karen. Gender and Media. (eds.) Med-Campus Yayınları, Ankara, 1996DERMAN, Deniz, LOTHERINGTON, John. (eds.) Communications Revolution. 21st Century Trust, Med-Campus Yayınları, Ankara, 1996DERMAN, Deniz, DAKOVİC, Nevena, ROSS, Karen. (eds.) Gender and Media. Ankara, 1996
1 Ebooks por Ahu Ugursoy
Asli Kotaman & Ahu Ugursoy: Cinema and Politics
This volume presents varied approaches concerning the relation between cinema and politics which focus on policies, eras, countries, mainstream and art cinema productions, transnational examples, cha …