Autor: Alan Seidner

John T. Zietlow, D.B.A., CTP, is a professor of finance atMalone College in Canton, Ohio, where he teaches corporate finance, investments, short-term financial management, personal finance, andmacroeconomics. He previously taught at Lee University (Cleveland, TN) and Mount Vernon Nazarene University (Mount Vernon, OH). He iscertified through the Association for Financial Professionals as aCertified Treasury Professional (CTP). Dr. Ziegler also serves asassociate faculty member at Indiana University-Purdue University atIndianapolis (IUPUI), where he teaches graduate non-profitfinancial management, and as an adjunct instructor for theUniversity of Maryland University College, where he teachesgraduate short-term financial management. He has done corporatetraining and consulting in the areas of cash management, treasurymanagement, and investment management and portfolio performanceevaluation. He holds membership in the Financial ManagementAssociation, Association for Financial Professionals, Associationfor Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action(ARNOVA), and the Financial Education Association. He may bereached via e-mail at: [email protected] , and maintains a website at: Jo Ann Hankin is a nationally recognized consultant inthe field of fundraising, and financial/administrative managementfor nonprofits. She has served as Vice President of Finance of TheUCLA Foundation Vice President of Advancement for California StateUniversity, San Bernardino and has held variousfundraising/financial positions with liberal arts colleges. Inaddition, she worked in the for profit world with several Fortune500 companies. Jo Ann also continues to be actively involved with her owncommunity and does volunteer work for organizations promoting musicand education. Alan G. Seidner was the founder of Seidner & Companyof Pasadena, California, an investment management and consultingfirm whose roster included high-net-worth investors, healthcareorganizations, major corporations, nonprofit institutions, andmunicipalities. Mr. Seidner has written many financial referenceworks and is a frequent speaker on investment techniques andstrategies. He has also provided testimony before federalgovernment agencies on the performance of pension fundinvestments.

2 Ebooks por Alan Seidner

John Zietlow & Jo Ann Hankin: Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations
Essential tools and guidance for effective nonprofit financial management Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations provides students, professionals, and board members with a comprehensive ref …
John Zietlow & Jo Ann Hankin: Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations
Essential tools and guidance for effective nonprofit financial management Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations provides students, professionals, and board members with a comprehensive ref …