Featuring research from the 2017 research symposium of the Association for Women in Mathematics, this volume presents recent findings in pure mathematics and a range of advances and novel applications in fields such as engineering, biology, and medicine. Featured topics include geometric group theory, generalized iterated wreath products of cyclic groups and symmetric groups, Conway-Coxeter friezes and mutation, and classroom experiments in teaching collegiate mathematics. A review of DNA topology and a computational study of learning-induced sequence reactivation during sharp-wave ripples are also included in this volume. Numerous illustrations and tables convey key results throughout the book.
This volume highlights research from women working in academia, industry, and government. It is a helpful resource for researchers and graduate students interested in an overview of the latest research in mathematics.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Charney, R: Searching for Hyperbolicity.- Im, M. S. and Wu, A.: Generalized Iterated Wreath Products of Cyclic Groups and Rooted Trees Correspondence.- Im, M. S. and Wu, A.: Generalized Iterated Wreath Products of Symmetric Groups and Generalized Rooted Trees Correspondence.- Baur, K. et al: Conway-Coxeter Friezes and Mutations: a Survey.- Buell, C. et al: Orbit Decompositions of Unipotent Elements in the Generalized Symmetric Spaces of SL2(Fq).- Vincent, C.: A Characterization of the U(Omega,
m) Sets of a Hyperelliptic Curve as Omega and
m Vary.- Osborne, C. and Tebbe, A.: A First Step Toward Higher Order Chain Rules in Abelian Functor.- Jones, G. and Price, C.: DNA Topology Review.- Simens, J. et al: Structural Identifiability Analysis of a Labeled Oral Minimal Model for Quantifying Hepatic Insulin Resistance.- Riviere, P. and Rangel, L.: Spike-field Coherence and Firing Rate Profiles of CA1 Interneurons During an Associative Memory Task.- Malerba, P. and Tsimiring, K. and Bazhenov, M.: Learning-induced Sequence Reactivation During Sharp-wave Ripples: a Computational Study.- Riviere, B. and Yang, X.: A DG Method for the Simulation of CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifer.- Hetrick, B. C.: Regularization Results for Inhomogeneous Ill-posed Problems in Banach Space.- Hauk, S. et al: Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education.- Author Index.