In this heartwarming tale, Zeke the zebra finds himself on an unexpected journey when he mistakenly boards the wrong truck. As he explores his surprising new surroundings, Zeke encounters a variety of farm animals, from clucking chickens to a thoughtful horse, each with its own important job. This delightful adventure prompts Zeke to ponder his own role, leading to self-discovery and highlights that everyone, no matter how different, has a special role to play.
This story teaches the importance of recognizing and valuing everyone’s unique contributions. Zoo Truck Mix Up is an engaging and uplifting read, perfect for elementary-aged children, that encourages young learners to celebrate the differences in themselves and others.
This book comes with bonus coloring and activity pages to keep the adventure going!
Sobre o autor
Amanda Schaumburg is a children’s book author, educational resource creator, and pediatric speech language pathologist. She has a passion for writing children’s books that spark imagination and promote literacy and communication. Find more of her creations at