An arsenal of powerful questions that will transform every
Skillfully redefine problems. Make an immediate connection with
anyone. Rapidly determine if a client is ready to buy. Access the
deepest dreams of others. Power Questions sets out a series
of strategic questions that will help you win new business and
dramatically deepen your professional and personal relationships.
The book showcases thirty-five riveting, real conversations with
CEOs, billionaires, clients, colleagues, and friends. Each story
illustrates the extraordinary power and impact of a
thought-provoking, incisive power question. To help readers
navigate a variety of professional challenges, over 200 additional,
thought-provoking questions are also summarized at the end of the
In Power Questions you’ll discover:
* The question that stopped an angry executive in his tracks
* The sales question CEOs expect you to ask versus the questions
they want you to ask
* The question that will radically refocus any meeting
* The penetrating question that can transform a friend or
colleague’s life
* A simple question that helped restore a marriage
When you use power questions, you magnify your professional and
personal influence, create intimate connections with others, and
drive to the true heart of the issue every time.
Tabela de Conteúdo
The Power Questions 1
1. Good Questions Trump Easy Answers 3
2. If You Don’t Want to Hit Bottom, Stop Digging the Hole 7
3. The Four Words 13
4. When the Sale Is Stuck 17
5. Mission Isn’t Important. It’s Everything 23
6. Get Out of Your Cave 27
7. Begin at the Beginning 33
8. Start Over 39
9. You Can Overcome Anything If You Understand Why 43
10. In a Hushed Moment 47
11. Is This the Best You Can Do? 53
12. No Gorilla Dust 59
13. Bury the Clichés 63
14. Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Dreams 69
15. Silence Can Be the Best Answer 73
16. The Greatest Teacher 77
17. Push Open the Flood Gate 83
18. The Essence of Your Job 87
19. A Tempest-Tossed Topic 91
20. The Road Taken 97
21. Who Do You Say I Am? 103
22. That Special Moment in Life 109
23. Your Plans or Their Plans? 115
24. Never Look Back Unless You Plan to Live That Way 121
25. How to Stop the Snorting 127
26. Dig Deeper. Deeper. Still Deeper 131
27. Always Faithful 135
28. I Used to Be Indecisive–But Now I’m Not Sure 141
29. Blah Blah Blah 145
30. Why Is This Day Different? 149
31. Never Too Late 153
32. Take Stock of Your Life 159
33. The Heart of the Matter 165
34. Capture the Moments 169
35. The Awe and Wonder of the Power Question 175
Not Just for Sunday 181
293 More Power Questions 183
About the Authors 203
Sobre o autor
Andrew Sobel is the leading authority on client relationships and the skills and strategies required to earn enduring client loyalty. His books include the award-winning All for One (Wiley) and the bestselling Clients for Life. He has been featured in the Harvard Business Review, the New York Times, and USA Today. Andrew helps companies and individuals build their clients for life. Visit www.Andrew
Jerold Panas is the world’s leading consultant in philanthropy and the CEO of Jerold Panas, Linzy & Partners, the largest consulting firm in the world for advising nonprofit organizations and foundations on fundraising. Jerry is the author of thirteen bestselling books, including Asking and Mega Gifts. He works directly with CEOs, boards, and development professionals around the world. Visit www.Jerold