A pep talk in your pocket
This short, small, highly illustrated book will fill you to the brim with happiness, positivity, wellbeing and, most importantly, success! Andy Cope and Andy Whittaker are experts in the art of happiness and positive psychology and The Art of Being Brilliant is crammed full of good advice, instructive case studies, inspiring quotes, some funny stuff and important questions to make you think about your work, relationships and life.
You see being brilliant, successful and happy isn’t about dramatic change, it’s about finding out what really works for you and doing more of it! The authors lay down their six common-sense principles that will ensure you focus on what you’re good at and become super brilliant both at work and at home.
* A richly illustrated, 2 colour, small book full of humour, inspiring quotes and solid advice
* A great read with a serious underlying message – how to foster positivity and bring about success in every aspect of your life
* Outlines six common-sense principles that will help you ensure you are the best you can be
Tabela de Conteúdo
Chapter 1. Fishing for Life 1
Chapter 2. Shiny Happy People 9
Chapter 3. Some of the People, Some of the Time 25
Chapter 4. Glowing on the Outside 41
Chapter 5. Can God Do a Handstand? 53
Chapter 6. Busyness as Usual 67
Chapter 7. Pants on the Outside 83
Chapter 8. Your Beautiful Mind 93
Chapter 9. Nellie Breaks Free 101
Chapter 10. Life Through a Lens 109
Chapter 11. The 90/10 Principle 117
Chapter 12. Tigger is a Trigger (And Eeyore is Too!) 127
Chapter 13. Beware of the Garbage Trucks 139
Chapter 14. Chumbawumba 157
Chapter 15. Share a Hugg 165
Chapter 16. Strengthening Your Strengths 177
Chapter 17. Omnipotent Handstands 185
Sobre o autor
Andy Cope & Andy Whittaker are the bestselling authors of The Art of Being Brilliant. Andy Cope is a teacher, trainer, prolific and sought after speaker and even has a Ph D in happiness. Seriously. Andy Whitaker is a businessman, NPL trainer and part time stand-up comic. Together they run Art of Brilliance, a training company which works with businesses such as DHL, Lloyds TSB, Pirelli, Ginsters, Alton Towers, Toyota, Waitrose, West Midlands Police, IKEA, and Astra Zeneca. Andy Cope, in his other life, is also the author of much loved children’s book series Spy Dog which has sold well over 1 million copies!