Autor: Angelika Paseka

Sofia Marques da Silva is Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal, in the field of Research Methodologies and Sociology of Education and member the Educational Research and Intervention Centre and INESC-TEC.  She holds a Ph D in Educational Sciences since 2008 and has been doing research in the field of inclusion, diversity and youth and published at national and international level. She is the coordinator of the national project GROW.UP – Grow up in border regions in Portugal: young people, educational pathways and agendas” (FEDER/FCT) and the co-coordinator of Erasmus + Project #IBelong – Towards a Sense of Belonging in an Inclusive Learning Environment. She is editor-in-chief of the Journal Ethnography & Education (and was co-editor of international publications in education. She is convenor of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) and board member of the Portuguese Society of Education Sciences, representing it in the EERA council. She is an expert of the European network NESET II (Social Dimension of Education and Training), the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and of the Programme Committee for the specific programme implementing Horizon 2020. She is deputy coordinator of the initiative Portugal INCo De.2030, coordinating activities on digital inclusion and gender gap in digital technologies.

9 Ebooks por Angelika Paseka

Marit Honerød Hoveid & Lucian Ciolan: Doing Educational Research
Every educational research project has challenges and obstacles that need to be managed and overcome. This book uses real case studies employing a wide range of research methodologies and drawn from …
Marit Honerød Hoveid & Lucian Ciolan: Doing Educational Research
Every educational research project has challenges and obstacles that need to be managed and overcome. This book uses real case studies employing a wide range of research methodologies and drawn from …
Angelika Paseka & Manuela Keller-Schneider: Ungewissheit als Herausforderung für pädagogisches Handeln
Im Zentrum des Bandes steht die Frage, ob und wie sich Ungewissheiten in schulischen Bildungsprozessen positiv nutzen lassen. Die Gewohnheit, Unvorhersehbarkeiten im Unterricht als Belastung oder Zum …
Hildegard Macha & Claudia Fahrenwald: Gender Mainstreaming und Weiterbildung – Organisationsentwicklung durch Potentialentwicklung
Der Band diskutiert das Konzept des Gender Mainstreaming als Instrument der Organisationsentwicklung sowie weitere innovative Ansätze genderorientierter Weiterbildung in internationaler Perspektive. …
Ilse Schrittesser & Angelika Paseka: Pädagogische Professionalität: quer denken – umdenken – neu denken
Der Band stellt ein Konzept professionellen pädagogischen Handelns vor, das den aktuellen Stand der Debatte zur Professionalität aufgreift und versucht, die aktuell diskutierten Positionen quer und …
Delma Byrne & Angelika Paseka: Parental Involvement Across European Education Systems
This book addresses central questions regarding parental involvement across European educational systems; exploring the commonalities and differences across European countries and the extent to which …
Delma Byrne & Angelika Paseka: Parental Involvement Across European Education Systems
This book addresses central questions regarding parental involvement across European educational systems; exploring the commonalities and differences across European countries and the extent to which …
Ilse Schrittesser & Angelika Paseka: Pädagogische Professionalität: quer denken – umdenken – neu denken
Der Band stellt ein Konzept professionellen pädagogischen Handelns vor, das den aktuellen Stand der Debatte zur Professionalität aufgreift und versucht, die aktuell diskutierten Positionen quer und …
Andreas Bonnet & Angelika Paseka: ZISU – Zeitschrift für interpretative Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung
Currently, a strong increase in actual and experienced uncertainty is observed, which often leads to populist reflexes. At the same time, phenomena such as digitalisation or post-facticity are …