Angie Choi’s cancer memoir details her experience from ovarian cancer diagnosis to being cancer free by using a metabolic approach to cancer. Dr. Choi describes how she combined standard treatment (surgery) with alternative treatment for cancer inclusive of a therapeutic ketogenic diet, anti-parasitic medication, and supplements. She relates her process working with both conventional and alternative healthcare practitioners to get the support she needed as she forged a holistic, complimentary path through cancer. Dr. Choi discusses how cancer grew from an imbalance in her body, mind, and spirit and healed from rebalancing. This book is presented in three sections: body, mind, and spirit, and is presented through the lens of Indian spirituality.
Whole New Me is for cancer patients and cancer caregivers and provides an intimate account of a holistic, integrative approach to cancer. It provides support for those who seek alternative treatments to cancer or who desire to integrate complimentary approaches like a therapeutic ketogenic diet with standard treatment. For those with ovarian cancer, it provides a complete account from cancer diagnosis to remission. Whole New Me covers Dr. Choi’s personal experience in the following areas.
- Metabolic approach to cancer
- Keto for cancer
- Cancer diets long-term
- Anti-parasitic medication repurposed for treating cancer
- Supplements for cancer
- Opting out of chemotherapy
- Working with conventional healthcare professionals when declining standard treatment
- Hysterectomy
- Recovering from surgery
- Treating cancer naturally
- Community support
- Reflecting on mental and emotional aspects of cancer
- Listening to intuition
- Spiritual support and healing
- Integrating body, mind, and spirit
Tabela de Conteúdo
Chapter 1: The Body
Taking Care of Mom
Unexpected Test Results
Likely Origins of My Tumor
Surgery and Diagnosis
Recovery in the Hospital
Recovery at Home
Chemotherapy or Not?
A Metabolic Approach to Cancer
Changing to a Ketogenic Diet
Working with a Naturopathic Doctor
Supplements for Cancer
Challenges on the Ketogenic Diet
Working with Conventional and Integrative Practitioners
Chapter 2: The Mind
My Mental Conditioning
My Spiritual Background
Kundalini Support
Saying No to External Life
Past-Life Patterns
Childhood Yearnings for Freedom
Difficulty Relating to Others
Loss of Joy in Life
Chapter 3: The Spirit
Intuitions About Cancer
Creativity Returns
My Journey Back Home
Spiritual Guidance in Dreams
Abiding in Oneness-True Unconditional Love
Cancer as a Metaphor for Healing
Whole New Me
Appendix A: The Manifestation Process
The Process of Manifestation in Samkhya
The First and Second Evolutes of Matter
The Three Gunas: Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas
The Evolutes of Sattva Guna
The Evolutes of Tamas Guna
Appendix B: Modes of the Mind
Appendix C: Karma
Appendix D: Intuition
Neuroscience and Intuition
Gut Feelings, Intuition, and Emotions
Intuition vs. Insight
Appendix E: Five Sheaths of Human Existence
Sobre o autor
Dr. Angie Choi is the Director of Admissions and Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in the College of Pharmacy. She holds a doctorate in education and a master’s degree in Asian philosophies and religion. She is also certified as a hypnotist and yoga teacher. She has studied eastern and western ideas about consciousness and the mind and is interested in helping others become more self-aware. Dr. Choi is the author of Whole New Me: Healing from Cancer in Body, Mind, and Spirit and My Dreams: A Simple Guide to Dream Interpretation.