Levinas, Subjectivity, Education explores how the
philosophical writings of Emmanuel Levinas lead us to reassess
education and reveals the possibilities of a radical new
understanding of ethical and political responsibility.
* Presents an original theoretical interpretation of Emmanuel
Levinas that outlines the political significance of his work for
contemporary debates on education
* Offers a clear analysis of Levinas’s central
philosophical concepts, including the place of religion in his
work, demonstrating their relevance for educational theorists
* Examines Alain Badiou’s critique of Levinas’s
* Considers the practical implications of Levinas’ theories
for concrete educational practices and frameworks
Tabela de Conteúdo
Preface vi
Acknowledgements viii
List of Abbreviations x
Introduction 1
PART I Levinas’s Teaching 17
1 Teaching, Subjectivity and Language in Totality and Infinity 19
2 The Infinite Responsibility of the Ethical Subject in Otherwise than Being 44
PART II Towards an Education Otherwise 71
3 Heteronomy, Autonomy and the Aims of Education 73
4 Grace, Truth and Economies of Education 95
PART III ‘Concrete Problems with Spiritual Repercussions’ 119
5 Towards a Religious Education Otherwise 121
6 Dialogue, Proximity and the Possibility of Community 141
7 Political Disappointment, Hope and the Anarchic Ethical Subject 175
Coda 199
Bibliography 204
Index 212
Sobre o autor
Anna Strhan is Lecturer in Religious Studies at the
University of Kent, where she is researching the formation of
religious subjectivities in contemporary British society. With a
background in philosophy of education, cultural sociology, and
religious studies, Strhan’s work explores relationships
between knowledge, meaning, embodiment and ethics in modern