Autor: Anthony Bonato

G. Sai Sundara Krishnan is Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics & Computational Sciences at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India. He has published 15 papers in reputed international journals and conferences and edited two international conference proceedings. Currently, he is supervising nine research scholars pursuing their Ph D degrees. His areas of research interest include digital topology and soft sets. R. Anitha is Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India. Her research interests include cryptography, computer security, algorithms and computational models. She has supervised more than 10 Ph D scholars. She has published over 40 research papers in refereed journals and has served as an editor for many conferences and workshops. She has served as a PC member for several international conferences such as ICo AC 2011, ICISS 2013, and ADCOM 2013 and organized many research workshops and conferences. She served as the principal investigator (PSG College of Technology) of CDBR-SSE project sponsored by NTRO, and is currently the consultant to SETS for a research project sponsored by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. She is a member of several professional bodies including CRSI, ISTE, and ACM. R. S. Lekshmi is Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics & Computational Sciences at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India. She has authored 10 publications and guided many students’ projects on graph theory and networks. She has organized several research workshops/seminars and was the Program Chair for the International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models held at PSG College of Technology in 2011. M. Senthil Kumar is Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India. He is the recipient of a post doctoral fellowship from the Department of Nanobio Materials and Electronics, (WCU), Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Republic of Korea under the guidance of Prof. K. Sohraby, Curators’ Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Kansas City. He has over 14 years of teaching and research experience. He has a Ph D in retrial queueing models from Anna University, Chennai, India. His achievements are recognized and included in the biographies of Marquis Who’s Who in the World 2013. His fields of interest include retrial queueing theory, data communication, and reliability engineering. He serves as a reviewer for several international journals and has also published his research in several international journals of repute. Anthony Bonato is the Associate Dean, Students and Programs in the Yeates School of Graduate Studies at Ryerson University and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Internet Mathematics. He has authored over 90 publications with 40 co-authors on the topics of graph theory and complex networks. In 2011 and 2009, he was awarded Ryerson Faculty SRC Awards for excellence in research. In 2012, he was awarded an inaugural YSGS Outstanding Contribution to Graduate Education Award. Manuel Graña is currently full professor at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), in the Facultad de Informatica in San Sebastian. His interests include machine learning and pattern recognition medical image processing and computer aided diagnosis systems, mobile robot navigation, multi-agent systems with natural inspiration, social network innovations via computational intelligence. The development of lattice computing approaches in these domains is his principal research endeavor. He is member of MIR Labs, IEEE, and ACM. He has chaired three international conferences (IWANN 2007, HAI 2010, KES 2012). He has served as an editor of more than 10 books. He has been advisor to more than 20 successful doctoral students. He has coauthored over 100 papers in high-impact research journals.

13 Ebooks por Anthony Bonato

G. Sai Sundara Krishnan & R. Anitha: Computational Intelligence, Cyber Security and Computational Models
This book contains cutting-edge research material presented by researchers, engineers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry at the International Conference on Computational Intell …
Muthukrishnan Senthilkumar & Vijayalakshmi Ramasamy: Computational Intelligence, Cyber Security and Computational Models
This book aims at promoting high-quality research by researchers and practitioners from academia and industry at the International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Cyber Security, and Comput …
Anthony Bonato & Pawel Pralat: Graph Searching Games and Probabilistic Methods
Graph Searching Games and Probabilistic Methods is the first book that focuses on the intersection of graph searching games and probabilistic methods. The book explores various applications of these …
Anthony Bonato & Pawel Pralat: Graph Searching Games and Probabilistic Methods
Graph Searching Games and Probabilistic Methods is the first book that focuses on the intersection of graph searching games and probabilistic methods. The book explores various applications of these …
Anthony Bonato: Game of Cops and Robbers on Graphs
This book is the first and only one of its kind on the topic of Cops and Robbers games, and more generally, on the field of vertex pursuit games on graphs. The book is written in a lively and highly …
Anthony Bonato: Course on the Web Graph
A Course on the Web Graph provides a comprehensive introduction to state-of-the-art research on the applications of graph theory to real-world networks such as the web graph. It is the first mathemat …
Anthony Bonato & Fan Chung Graham: Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph, WAW 2014, held in Beijing, China, in December 2014. The 12 papers present …
Anthony Bonato & Fan Chung Graham: Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph, WAW 2016, held in Montreal, QC, Canada, in December 2016.The 13 full papers presen …
Anthony Bonato & Fan Chung Graham: Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 14th International Workshop Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph, WAW 2017, held in Toronto, ON, Canada, in June 2017. The 7 full papers presented in t …
Anthony Bonato & Pawel Pralat: Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph, WAW 2018, held in Moscow, Russia in May 2018.The 11 full papers presented in this …
Anthony Bonato & Jeannette Janssen: Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph, WAW 2012, held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, in June 2012. The 13 paper …
Anthony Bonato: Invitation to Pursuit-Evasion Games and Graph Theory
Graphs measure interactions between objects such as friendship links on Twitter, transactions between Bitcoin users, and the flow of energy in a food chain. While graphs statically represent interact …