Now in a completely revised and expanded second edition, this authoritative handbook reviews the breadth of current knowledge on the psychological processes that underlie social behavior. Leading investigators identify core principles that have emerged from the study of biological systems, social cognition, goals and strivings, interpersonal interactions, and group and cultural dynamics. State-of-the-science theories, methods, and findings are explained, and important directions for future research are highlighted. More than an update, this edition is virtually a new book. Many more chapters are included, and significant advances in social cognitive neuroscience, motivational psychology, and other areas are incorporated throughout. A new section addresses implications for applied domains, such as clinical psychology, health, and consumer behavior.
Tabela de Conteúdo
I. Biological System1. Evolutionary Theory for Social and Cultural Psychology, Linnda R. Caporael2. Visceral and Somatic Indexes of Social Psychological Constructs: History, Principles, Propositions, and Case Studies, Jim Blascovich & Mark D. Seery3. Social Cognitive Neuroscience: Historical Development, Core Principles, and Future Promise, Kevin N. Ochsner II. Cognitive System4. Prediction: The Inside View, David Dunning5. Expectancy, Neal J. Roese & Jeffrey W. Sherman6. The Principles of Social Judgment, Arie W. Kruglanski & David Sleeth-Keppler7. Automatic Thought, Susan M. Andersen, Gordon B. Moskowitz, Irene V. Blair, & Brian A. Nosek8. Information Ecology and the Explanation of Social Cognition and Behavior, Klaus Fiedler9. Knowledge Activation, Jens Förster & Nira Liberman10. Causal Explanation: From Social Perception to Knowledge-Based Causal Attribution, Denis Hilton11. The Role of Metacognition in Social Judgment, Richard E. Petty, Pablo Briñol, Zakary L. Tormala, & Duane T. Wegener12. Principles of Mental Representation, Robert S. Wyer, Jr.13. Standards, Monica Biernat and Scott Eidelman14. Decisions Constructed Locally: Some Fundamental Principles of the Psychology of Decision Making, Eldar Shafir 15. Psychological Distance, Nira Liberman, Yaacov Trope, & Elena Stephan III. Personal Motivational System16. Feelings and Phenomenal Experiences, Norbert Schwarz & Gerald L. Clore17. The Role of Impulse in Social Behavior, Fritz Strack & Roland Deutsch18. Social Identity and Self-Regulation, Daphna Oyserman19. Value, E. Tory Higgins20. Basic Human Needs, Thane S. Pittman & Kate R. Zeigler21. The Goal Construct in Social Psychology, Ayelet Fishbach & Melissa J. Ferguson22. Self-Regulation and the Executive Function: The Self as Controlling Agent, Roy F. Baumeister, Brandon J. Schmeichel, & Kathleen D. Vohs23. Self-Interest and Beyond: Basic Principles of Social Interaction, Paul A. M. Van Lange, David De Cremer, Eric Van Dijk, & Mark Van Vugt IV. Interpersonal System24. Attitude Change, Gregory R. Maio & Geoffrey Haddock25. Foundations of Interpersonal Trust, Jeffry A. Simpson26. The Psychology of Negotiation: Principles and Basic Processes, Carsten K. W. De Dreu, Bianca Beersma, Wolfgang Steinel, & Gerben A. Van Kleef27. Grounding Communication: Synchrony, Gün R. Semin28. Attachment Theory and Research: Core Concepts, Basic Principles, Conceptual Bridges, Phillip R. Shaver & Mario Mikulincer 29. Social Power, Susan T. Fiske & Jennifer Berdahl V. Group and Cultural System30. The Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations: Social Categorization, Ingroup Bias, and Outgroup Prejudice, Marilynn B. Brewer31. Social Psychology of Leadership, Michael A. Hogg32. Dynamical Social Psychology: Finding Order in the Flow of Human Experience, Robin R. Vallacher & Andrzej Nowak33. Inclusion and Exclusion: Implications for Group Processes, John M. Levine & Norbert L. Kerr34. Cultural Processes: Basic Principles, Chi-yue Chiu & Ying-yi Hong VI. Applications of Social Psychology35. Psychology and the Law: Reconciling Normative and Descriptive Accounts of Social Justice and System Legitimacy, Tom R. Tyler & John T. Jost36. The Reciprocal Relation between Principles and Practice: Social Psychology and Health Behavior, Alexander J. Rothman & Peter Salovey37. Contributions of Social Psychology to Clinical Psychology: Three Views of a Research Frontier, Timothy J. Strauman, Philip R. Costanzo, Neil P. Jones, Amy Noll Mc Lean, & Kari A. Merrill38. Consumer Behavior and Marketing, Eric J. Johnson, Michel Tuan Pham, & Gita Venkataramani Johar39. Psychology and Politics: The Challenges of Integrating Levels of Analysis in Social Science, Philip E. Tetlock40. Organizational Behavior, Leigh Thompson & Jo-Ellen Pozner41. Social Action, Mark Snyder & Allen M. Omoto
Sobre o autor
Arie W. Kruglanski, Ph D, is Distinguished University Professor of Psychology at the University of Maryland-College Park. He is a recipient of the Donald T. Campbell Award for Outstanding Contributions to Social Psychology from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award from the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, and the Senior Career Award from the National Institute of Mental Health. Dr. Kruglanski is widely recognized for his distinguished research contributions, disseminated in over 200 articles and chapters, which focus on how people form judgments, beliefs, impressions, and attitudes, and the consequences for their interpersonal relations, group interactions, and intergroup relations. He has served as editor of the Journal of Social and Personality Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition and of the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. He is now a codirector of the START National Center for the Study of Terrorism and the Response to Terrorism at the University of Maryland. E. Tory Higgins, Ph D, is the Stanley Schachter Professor of Psychology, Professor of Business, and Director of the Motivation Science Center at Columbia University. He has received a MERIT Award from the National Institute of Mental Health, the Thomas M. Ostrom Award in Social Cognition, the Donald T. Campbell Award for Outstanding Contributions to Social Psychology from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, and the Lifetime Contribution Award from the International Society for Self and Identity. Dr. Higgins has also received the Distinguished Scientist Award from the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, the William James Fellow Award for Distinguished Achievements in Psychological Science from the American Psychological Society, and the American Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a recipient of Columbia University’s Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching.