Perfect for anyone seeking to get a firm handle on their personal finances, Financial Adulting is a must-have resource that demystifies and simplifies complex topics and makes understanding personal finance fun
From the founder of The Fiscal Femme, a popular feminist money platform, and author of The 30-Day Money Cleanse, Ashley Feinstein Gerstley’s Financial Adulting: Everything You Need to be a Financially Confident and Conscious Adult delivers an easy-to-follow, informative, and fun financial guide. From budgeting and consumer activism to retirement investing and paying down debt, you’ll learn everything you need to know and do to be a financially savvy adult.
In this important book, you’ll:
* Master fundamental concepts, including dealing with student loans, maximizing your 401(k), and preparing for salary negotiations
* Use a racial and feminist justice lens to tackle rarely discussed topics in money and equity and better understand deep-seated historic and systemic obstacles
* Recognize that your circumstances, goals, and values are unique and require a custom approach in order to succeed financially
* Receive a simple step-by-step guide to reaching your financial goals while living a big, exciting, and meaningful life
Tabela de Conteúdo
Preface ix
1 What Is a Financial Adult? 1
2 Equity and Personal Finance 11
3 Your Money Goals 27
4 All About Income 41
5 Your Money Outflows 57
6 Consumer Activism 81
7 Work Optional (a.k.a. Retirement) 95
8 Become an Investor for Good 125
9 Buying a Home 155
10 Insurance 179
11 Tax Basics and Estate Planning 205
12 Your Credit Score 223
13 All About Debt 237
14 Become Your Own Money Coach 261
Notes 281
Acknowledgments 291
About The Author 295
Index 297
Sobre o autor
ASHLEY FEINSTEIN GERSTLEY is an author, speaker, and personal finance expert. In 2012, she created The Fiscal Femme, a feminist money platform on a mission to end inequality through financial well-being, and has helped thousands of people feel financially confident, achieve major financial goals, and destress their relationships with money.