A powerful and disturbing adventure story set in the wilds of Mexico after the First World War, ‘The Treasure of the Sierra Madre’ is B. Traven’s much-beloved and thrilling tale of three desperate men who set out to make their fortune in the gold-filled Sierra Madre Mountains…and wind up confronting their own greed and paranoia along the way.
The basis for the 1948 John Huston film of the same name (which featured Humphrey Bogart as Dobbs and an Oscar-winning performance by Walter Huston as the old prospector Howard), ‘The Treasure of the Sierra Madre’ is the crowning literary achievement of the elusive B. Traven, one of the most enigmatic and mysterious figures in literary history.
Exciting, violent, brilliant and timeless, there are few books that so thoroughly explore the dark and dangerous world of fortune-hunting and survival in the untamed wilderness.
It is presented here in its original and unabridged format.
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B. Traven is easily one of the most enigmatic and fascinating characters in literary history. Though much has been written about the provenance of this mysterious writer – entire books have plumbed his origins – virtually everything about the life of B. Traven is both hotly debated and impossible to confirm. Believed to be of German origin – he is thought by some scholars to be the German actor and anarchist ‘Ret Marut, ‘ for example – Traven communicated only through his publishers and even they claim never to have met the elusive author. Whatever his origins, B. Traven would produce twelve novels and numerous short stories during his career, most of which took place in Mexico and many of which pushed his decidedly left-wing and anti-capitalist beliefs. Of his own, enigmatic life, Traven famously wrote: The creative person should have no other biography than his works.