Dr. Bartłomiej Skowron is a Platonic philosopher. He wrote his Ph.D. thesis on Mereotopological aspects of philosophical part-whole theory at the University of Wroclaw, and defended his thesis in 2012. He received also BA in Mathematics from the University of Wroclaw, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, in 2011. From October
2015, he is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences at the Warsaw University of Technology. He is a member of the International Center for Formal Ontology and the Academyof Young Scholars and Artists. He served as a President of the
Academy from 2013 to 2017. His main research interest is in Mathematical (especially Topological) Philosophy. He is laso interested in formal ontology (part-whole theory, mereotopology), phenomenology, philosophy of morality, axiology, philosophical anthropology, the basis and philosophy of mathematics, applied logic and appliedtopology.
He has edited or is currently editing 7 books. He is the author of over 30 original articles.
Prof. Dr. Marek Kus is a theoretical physicis, professor at the Centre of Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Director of the International Center for Formal Ontology at the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences of the Warsaw University of Technology, member of Academia Europea. His scientific interests include:
mathematical physics, in particular the application of geometric and group-theoretic methods (simplectic geometry, algebraic geometry, Lie group theory) in quantum computer science, quantum chaos and the basics of quantum mechanics. He is also interested in formal methods in philosophy and the application of methods of exact sciences in social sciences. He is the author of over 150 original articles.
2 Ebooks por Bartłomiej Skowron
Marek Kuś & Bartłomiej Skowron: Category Theory in Physics, Mathematics, and Philosophy
The contributions gathered here demonstrate how categorical ontology can provide a basis for linking three important basic sciences: mathematics, physics, and philosophy. Category theory is a new for …
Bartłomiej Skowron: Contemporary Polish Ontology
This book is a collection of articles authored by renowed Polish ontologists living and working in the early part of the 21st century. Harking back to the well-known Polish Lvov-Warsaw School, founde …