Karin Gottschall is Professor of Sociology at the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy at Bremen University, Germany. Her research focuses on the sociology of labour markets, social inequality, social policy and education, and gender studies.
Bernhard Kittel is Professor of Economic Sociology at the University of Vienna, Austria. He is interested in experimental group decisions, comparative labour markets and welfare states, and social science methodology.
Kendra Briken is Chancellor”s Fellow in the Department of Human Resource Management at the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom. Her research interests include private/public security, lean management, and industrial relations.
Jan-Ocko Heuer is Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Social Sciences at Humboldt University Berlin and was Research Fellow at the Collaborative Research Centre 597, “Transformations of the State” at the University of Bremen, Germany.
Sylvia Hils is Research Assistant and Women”s Representative of the University of Bremen, Germany. Between 2008 and 2014 she worked as a research assistant at the Collaborative Research Center 597 “Transformations of the State” at the University of Bremen, Germany.
Sebastian Streb worked as a research assistant between 2008 and 20012 at the
Collaborative Research Center 597 “Transformations of the State” at the University of Bremen, Germany.
Markus Tepe is Professor of Political Science at University of Oldenburg, Germany.
11 Ebooks por Bernhard Kittel
Karin Gottschall & Bernhard Kittel: Public Sector Employment Regimes
This book explores the extent to which a transformation of public employment regimes has taken place in four Western countries, and the factors influencing the pathways of reform. It demonstrates how …
Marius Busemeyer & Bernhard Ebbinghaus: Wohlfahrtspolitik im 21. Jahrhundert
In der OECD-Welt wird etwa ein Viertel des gesamten Bruttoinlandsprodukts und knapp die Hälfte der Staatsausgaben für den Sozialstaat, also die Sicherung gegen zentrale Lebensrisiken, verwendet. Deut …
Eric Linhart & Bernhard Kittel: Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie
Der vorliegende Band umfasst eine große Bandbreite theoretischer Beiträge und empirischer Anwendungen räumlicher Modelle auf dem Gebiet der Politikwissenschaft. Räumliche Modelle existieren in diesem …
Eric Linhart & Marc Debus: Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie
Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorien gelten als erfolgversprechende Ansätze zur Erklärung sozialen Handelns. Handeln wird dabei als das Ergebnis eines Prozesses gesehen, bei dem Akteure aus verschied …
Stefan Traub & Bernhard Kittel: Need-Based Distributive Justice
This book explores the foundations and potential of a theory of need-based distributive justice, supported by experimental evidence. The core idea is that need-based distributive justice may have som …
Jale Tosun & Daniela Pauknerová: Intergenerational Transmission and Economic Self-Sufficiency
European countries have faced profound changes in family structures and family forms over the last few decades. This volume provides insights from eleven European countries with varying welfare state …
Martin Nonhoff & Sebastian Haunss: Gesellschaft und Politik verstehen
Der vorliegende Band »Gesellschaft und Politik verstehen – Frank Nullmeier zum 65. Geburtstag« ehrt nicht nur einen der bedeutendsten deutschen Politikwissenschaftler der Gegenwart und erlaubt Einbli …
Bernhard Kittel & Stefan Traub: Priority of Needs?
This book develops an empirically informed normative theory of need-based justice, summarizing core findings of the DFG research group FOR2104 “Need-based Justice and Distributive Procedures”. …