This unique book examines variability among custodial grandparent caregivers. It focuses on diversity among grandparent-headed families in domestic and international settings, with over 35 contributors exploring the many factors that contribute to such diversity. It also examines diversity across individual differences, especially those of gender and age, ethnicity and race, and culture.
An awareness of their uniqueness is essential to the process of understanding the demands of custodial grandparents’ new roles, and in providing appropriate services to them.
Whatever the reason, most grandparents raising grandchildren never anticipated that they would parent again. For most, this new role causes significant upheaval in their lives. Problems contributing to stress may include having to give up or reduce hours of work, early retirement, and providing financial and emotional support for their grandchildren.
This book is a valuable resource for practitioners and extension educators who work with grandparents raising their grandchildren. It provides a wealth of information and a basis on which national and state-run services can evaluate their current policies and devise funds, services, and programs that will help this growing population successfully raise their grandchildren.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Section 1: Diversity Across Individuals
Grandmothers Raising Grandchildren: The Effects of Work Disruptions on Current Work Hours and Income, Rachel Pruchno and Dorothy Mc Kenney Determinants of Role Satisfaction among Traditional and Custodial Grandparents, Bert Hayslip Jr., Jeff R. Temple, R. Jerald Shore, and Craig E. Henderson Diversity and Caregiving Support Interventions: Lessons from Elder Care Research, Sarah. H. Qualls and Karen A. Roberto Diversity in the Need for Formal and Informal Social Support among Grandparent Caregivers: A Pilot Study, Jennifer King, Bert Hayslip, Jr., and Patricia L. Kaminski Section 2: Diversity Across Age and Gender
Age, Health, and Custodial Grandparenting, Bert Hayslip, Jr., R. Jerald Shore, and Michelle A. Emick Grandmothersí Diaries: A Glimpse at Daily Lives, Carol. M. Musil and Theresa Standing Depression and Caregiver Mastery in Grandfathers Caring for their Grandchildren, Philip Mc Callion and Stacey R. Kolomer African American Grandmothers: The Responsibility Continuum, Rosalyn D. Lee, Margaret E. Ensminger, and Thomas A. La Viest Grandmothers Raising Grandchildren: The Vulnerability of Advancing Age, Catherine Chase Goodman Gender Differences Among Custodial Grandparents, Bert Hayslip, Jr., Patricia L. Kaminski, and Kristie L. Earnheart Section 3: Cross Cultural and Intra-Cultural Variation
Cross Cultural Differences in Traditional and Custodial Grandparenting: A Qualitative Approach, Bert Hayslip, Jr., Annabel H. Baird, J. Rafael Toledo, Cecilia Toledo, and Michelle A. Emick Grandparent Caregiving Among First Nations Canadians, Esme Fuller- Thomson Social Support Among Custodial Grandparents within a Diversity of Contexts, Steven J. Kohn and Gregory C. Smith Stress-Related Factors Amongst Primary and Part-Time Caregiving Grandmothers of Kenyan Grandchildren, Paul Odhiambo Oburu and Kerstin PalmÈrus Section 4: Variation Across Race and Ethnicity
Latina Grandmothers Raising Grandchildren: Acculturation and Psychological Well-being, Catherine Chase Goodman and Merril Silverstein African American Grandmothers as Health Educators in the Family, Jeffrey A. Watson, Suzanne Randolph, and James. L. Lyons Religious Beliefs and Practices Among African American Custodial Grandparents, Martha R. Crowther, Leslie M. Swanson, Rachel L. Rodriguez, Melissa Snarski, and Hyoun-Kyoung Higgerson A Stress Process Model of Grandparent Caregiving: The Impact of Role Strain and Intrapsychic Strain on Subjective Well-Being, Rachel L. Rodriguez and Martha. R. Crowther The Voices of Black Grandmothers Parenting Children with TANF Assistance, Tammy L. Henderson and Jennifer L. Cook Epilogue: Toward an Understanding of Diversity Among Grandparents Raising their Grandchildren,
Julie Hicks Patrick and Bert Hayslip, Jr.