Follow the mission and the money, even when it takes you online
Fundraising For Dummies is your guiding light and saving grace as you prepare and implement a fundraising plan. This updated edition will help you succeed at fundraising in the age of social media saturation. You’ll discover how to post, what to include, and where to interact to get the biggest return on your investment of time. And, as always, this trusted resource covers all the basics of being a fundraiser, solici...
Tabela de Conteúdo
Introduction 1
Part 1: Getting Started with Fundraising 5
Chapter 1: Fundraising Continuously During Economic Fluctuations 7
Chapter 2: Embracing Fundraising w...
Sobre o autor
Dr. Beverly A. Browning, MPA, DBA, is the author of 47 grant-related publications, including seven editions of Grant Writing For Dummies. She holds degrees in organiza...