* Visual Basic .NET has changed dramatically from itspredecessor, and this book shows developers how to buildtraditional console applications, ASP.NET applications, XML Web Services, and more* The top-notch author team shares their years of experience in VB programming and helps readers take their skills to newheights* Addresses issues such as security, data access (ADO.NET), andthe latest Visual Studio .NET IDE* Explores Common Language Runtime, variables and data types, object syntax, inheritance and interfaces, Windows forms, errorhandling and debugging, XML, namespaces, and advanced features ofthe latest version of ASP.NET
Tabela de Conteúdo
Introduction.Chapter 1: What Is Microsoft .NET?Chapter 2: Introducing Visual Basic 2005 and Visual Studio2005.Chapter 3: Variables and Type.Chapter 4: Object Syntax Introduction.Chapter 5: Inheritance and Interfaces.Chapter 6: The Common Language Runtime.Chapter 7: Applying Objects and Components.Chapter 8: Generics.Chapter 9: Namespaces.Chapter 10: Exception Handling and Debugging.Chapter 11: Data Access with ADO.NET 2.0.Chapter 12: Using XML in Visual Basic 2005.Chapter 13: Security in the .NET Framework 2.0.Chapter 14: Windows Forms.Chapter 15: Windows Forms Advanced Features.Chapter 16: Building Web Applications.Chapter 17: ASP.NET 2.0 Advanced Features.Chapter 18: Assemblies.Chapter 19: Deployment.Chapter 20: Working with Classic COM and Interfaces.Chapter 21: Enterprise Services.Chapter 22: Threading.Chapter 23: XML Web Services.Chapter 24: Remoting.Chapter 25: Windows Services.Chapter 26: Network Programming.Chapter 27: Visual Basic and the Internet.Appendix A: The Visual Basic Compiler.Appendix B: Visual Basic Resources.Index.