Direct, well-organized, and easy to follow,
Q Methodology, Second Edition, by Bruce Mc Keown and Dan B. Thomas, reviews the philosophical foundations of subjective communicability (concourse theory), operant subjectivity, and quantum-theoretical aspects of Q as relevant to the social and behavioral sciences. The authors discuss data-gathering techniques (communication concourses, Q samples, and Q sorting), statistical techniques (correlation and factor analysis and the important calculation of factor scores), and strategies for conducting small person-sample research along Q methodological lines.
Tabela de Conteúdo
About the Authors
Series Editor′s Introduction
Chapter 1. Methodological Principles
Chapter 2. Communication Concourses, Q Samples, and Conditions of Instruction
Chapter 3. Person Samples and the Single Case
Chapter 4. Statistical Analysis
Chapter 5. A Concluding Subjective-Science Postscript
Author Index
Subject Index
Sobre o autor
Dan B. Thomas is professor of political science at Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa, where he teaches courses on American political institutions, behavior, and psychology. His research has appeared in a wide array of social science journals, including American Journal of Political Science, American Politics Quarterly, Journal of Politics, Political Behavior, Political Psychology, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Journal of Policy Studies, Polity, Instructional Science, and American Journal of Social Psychology, among others. He is also a former editor of Operant Subjectivity: The International Journal of Q Methodology.