A detailed exploration of the influence and utility of Thomas Malthus’ model of population growth and economic changes in Europe since the nineteenth century. This important contribution to current discussions on theories of economic growth includes discussion of issues ranging from mortality and fertility to natural resources and the poverty trap.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Demographic Dynamics and Economic Changes in Europe before the 19th Century; B.Chiarini & P.Malanima Unified Growth Theory and Comparative Development; O.Galor Population Dynamics, Malthusian Crises and Boserupian Innovation in Pre-Industrial Societies; G.Alfani Energy and Economic Growth in Europe; S.Bartoletto The Path Towards the Modern Economy; P.Malanima Accounting for Child Mortality in the Pre-Industrial European Economy; B.Chiarini & M.Giannini A Basic Model of Take-Off and Fertility Choices in the Economic Development Process; E.Bucciarelli & G.Giulioni Population, Earth Carrying Capacity and Economic Growth; G.Scarano The Post-Malthusian Moment: Some Responses to Population Explosion in Britain c.1840; P.Bouche
Sobre o autor
BRUNO CHIARINI holds a Ph D from the University of Southampton, UK, and is full professor at the University of Naples Parthenope, Italy. He has published numerous articles in international journals and his research interests include econometric modelling, fiscal policy and strategic analysis.
PAOLO MALANIMA holds a Ph D from the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, and is Director of the Institute of Studies on Mediterranean Societies of the National Research Council (ISSM-CNR), in Naples. He is author of articles and books on European economic history.