Judith Schlehe (Prof. Dr.) is head of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Freiburg/Brsg., Germany.
Michiko Uike-Bormann (Anthropology) is a member of a research group on History in Popular Cultures at the University of Freiburg (Germany).
Carolyn Oesterle is a member of a research group on History in Popular Cultures at the University of Freiburg (Germany).
Wolfgang Hochbruck (North American Studies) is a member of a research group on History in Popular Cultures at the University of Freiburg (Germany).
2 Ebooks por Carolyn Oesterle
Judith Schlehe & Michiko Uike-Bormann: Staging the Past
Popular representations of history are taking on new forms and reaching wider audiences. The search for usable pasts is branching out into active appropriations of history such as historical theme pa …
Eva Ulrike Pirker & Mark Rüdiger: Echte Geschichte
›So ist es gewesen‹ – kaum etwas ist in historischen Darstellungen so wirkungsvoll wie die Vorstellung, dem Tatsächlichen, dem Gewesenen direkt nachzuspüren. Gerade Geschichte erscheint uns gerne als …