Cartas, Diários ApoioCatalogFicçãoLiteratura narrativaAntes de 1945De 1945Novelas Históricas, NarrativasContos de fadas, lendas, lendasAntologiasBiografias românticasCartas, DiáriosEnsaios, Recursos, Crítica LiteráriaAforismos6.034 Ebooks nesta categoria Jay Tolentino: Brushstrokes in the Sand ‘Brushstrokes in the Sand’ is the personal and captivating journey of Jay Tolentino from a painter’s canvas to the digital landscape of graphic design. In this touching narrative, the #1 bestsel … EPUB Inglês €9.32 Aneek Chaudhuri: Lens on Paper Lens on Paper is a book on film studies written by acclaimed filmmaker and auteur, Aneek Chaudhuri. The book comments on the usage of colors in Cinema and the significance of the same in expressing m … EPUB Inglês €4.49 Antonia Aimini: Creep and Nosey Revealed. Preface I started this book in 2020 and finished it in 2024 by writing and illustrating it on and off. This book is a continuation of my first book ‘ Psycho Veg Head. A Day in the Life of a Delusiona … EPUB Inglês €2.99 Anna Maria Farabbi: Art between mouth and food, body weight and words weight The dawn of food and the relational grammar at the table. I used to eat on my own. Except on Sundays. I was left the prepared meal on the corner of the table near the window. The bottle with water be … EPUB Inglês €10.00 Marcello Caroti: From Jesus to Marx – Birth and death of a civilization This book is an educational text written to introduce our readers to Western Civilization. How it was born and how it grew to become the world’s leading civilization in the last century, for better o … EPUB Inglês €4.99 Daniela Lauria: Art World Secrets What are the secrets to making real deals in the art world? Why does one artwork cost millions while another remains unsold? How is an artwork appraised? When does art represent a good investment opp … EPUB Inglês €8.49 SUKANYA BASU MALLIK: LOVE & LIES Alluring moony night time… A thick, charming darkness sings; wooing the aura! ‘LOVE AND LIES’ is a collection of around 40 poems on relationships, the ups and downs that come along wit … EPUB Inglês €0.99 Alec Soth: Ping pong conversations Each picture gives rise to a charter of its own, an original thought or reflection. Storytelling and the use of color and black and white, staged and candid approaches, and personal and political iss … EPUB Inglês €7.99 Mario Chiauzzi: Onora Il Tuo Nome Terzo Volume n … EPUB Inglês €3.99 Vladan Kuzmanović: Private CSV Lists A Three Weeks of Google Search History of Vladan L . Kuzmanović Online time series, Conceptual Lists Das E-Book Private CSV Lists wird angeboten von Publish Drive und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen ka … EPUB Inglês €2.06 Existem mais e-books nesta categoria – refine sua pesquisa 0 0 Confira 0,00 × × × Alterar idioma do usuário × ÁrabeAlemãoInglêsEspanholFrancêsHindiIndonésioItalianoMalaioHolandêsPolonêsPortuguêsRomenoRussoSuecoTailandêsTurcoUcranianoVietnamitaChinêsInternational Modal ×