Astrologia, Cosmos ApoioCatalogGuiaEspiritualidadeEsotéricoAstrologia, CosmosInterpretação da vidaConhecimento Antigo, Culturas AntigasSabedoria OrientalAnthroposophyOutros1.208 Ebooks nesta categoria Angela M: The Sagittarius Story This book has been created in order to provide the reader with a ‘getting to know you’ guide to having a Sun in Sagittarius. The Sun and its position in the natal bir … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €6.49 Saket Shah: Mercury in Signs We always wonder that every sign in Vedic astrology has different meaning and results. So how does the planet sitting in it will behave. So in this book I am describing how Mercury will give results … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €15.99 Tatiana Borsch: Complete Horoscope Pisces 2021 EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €4.45 Maxine Taylor: Hidden Messages in Your Birth Chart From early adulthood and onward, Maxine Taylor has always been passionate about understanding the power of childhood programming as expressed in our adult lives. The ability to recognize detrimental … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €5.49 Annala d’: A DREAM CATCHER’S JOURNAL A Dream Catcher’s Journal is unique in that it is designed to capture the details of your dreams that allow for an in-depth interpretation. Within this journal you will discover the various type … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €13.99 Saket Shah: Navamsa Ascendant Secrets Dear Reader, I am trying to keep this book as simple as possible so that every astrology seeker can get maximum benefit out of it. In this book I am trying my best to explain how does the effects of … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €15.99 Saket Shah: Conjunctions Conjunctions in astrology plays very important role. It significantly effects the personality and mind self of individual. Mostly in this book I am describing Two planetory conjunctions.. I am trying … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €15.99 Shakirah Tabourn: Zodiac Signs: Pisces A new series of sign-by-sign guides from contemporary astrologers. Astrology is a vital tool for understanding our place in the world and the universal forces that move us. A cosmic calling rather th … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €9.49 Martin Gansten: Annual Predictive Techniques of the Greek, Arabic and Indian Astrologers EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €11.99 Michael Mercury: Astrological Predictions for the Age of Light Astrological Predictions for the Age of Light implements mundane astrology and metaphysical techniques developed in Western traditions. The author provides insight into Japan, the United States, and … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €13.99 Próxima página >>> 0 0 Confira 0,00 × × × Alterar idioma do usuário × ÁrabeAlemãoInglêsEspanholFrancêsHindiIndonésioItalianoMalaioHolandêsPolonêsPortuguêsRomenoRussoSuecoTailandêsTurcoUcranianoVietnamitaChinêsInternational Modal ×