Fotografia, Filme, Vídeo, TV ApoioCatalogCiência EspiritualArte / ArquiteturaGeral, DicionáriosHistória da ArteBelas ArtesArquiteturaDesign de Interiores, DesignTeatro, baléFotografia, Filme, Vídeo, TVAntiguidadesOutro26.307 Ebooks nesta categoria Aaron Gerow: Kitano Takeshi Combining a detailed account of the situation in Japanese film and criticism with unique close analyses of Kitano”s films from Violent Cop to Takeshis, the author relates the director to issues of c … EPUB Adobe DRM €109.78 Tom Milne: Mamoulian The great Armenian-American director Rouben Mamoulian (1897-1987) remains a favourite among film-makers, his films combining great technical originality with a uniquely poetic visual style.  … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.82 Zoe Druick & Deane Williams: The Grierson Effect This landmark collection of essays considers the global legacy of John Grierson, the father of British documentary. Featuring the work of leading scholars from around the world, The Grierson Effect e … EPUB Adobe DRM €39.28 Richard Armstrong: Understanding Realism In a world, in which camcorders and CCTV are witness to our every move and Big Brother and The Blair Witch Project are phenomenally popular and widely imitated, the divide between reality and liction … EPUB Adobe DRM €39.15 Brian Winston: Technologies of Seeing This text examines the complex forces pushing and constraining technological developments in cinema. It contests the view that technological advance is simply the result of scientific progress. Rathe … EPUB Adobe DRM €116.01 Richard Maltby & Melvyn Stokes: Hollywood Spectatorship This is an examination of the concepts of spectatorship in the light of historical accounts of audience reception. The book looks at how audiences have historically talked about Hollywood movies, and … EPUB Adobe DRM €39.35 David Greenberg: Screenwriting for Micro-Budget Films Screenwriting for micro-budget films can present its own challenges and this book takes the reader through all the considerations that need to be made to write an effective screenplay for a low-budge … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.68 Rebekah Owens: Studying Shakespeare on Film EPUB Adobe DRM €29.43 James Naremore: On Kubrick In a comprehensively revised and updated new edition, James Naremore provides an illuminating critical account of the films of Stanley Kubrick, from his earliest feature, Fear and Desire (1953), to t … EPUB Adobe DRM €31.28 Donatella Della Ratta & Naomi Sakr: Arab Media Moguls Transformations in the Arab media landscape are a key element in the regional dynamics of political change. Where do the private owners of Arab media outlets stand on the scene? What part, if any, ha … EPUB Adobe DRM €26.63 Próxima página >>> 0 0 Confira 0,00 × × × Alterar idioma do usuário × ÁrabeAlemãoInglêsEspanholFrancêsHindiIndonésioItalianoMalaioHolandêsPolonêsPortuguêsRomenoRussoSuecoTailandêsTurcoUcranianoVietnamitaChinêsInternational Modal ×