Antiguidade ApoioCatalogCiência EspiritualHistóricoGeral, DicionáriosHistória pré-histórica e antigaAntiguidadeIdade MédiaTempos Modernos até 1918Século 20 (até 1945)História contemporânea (de 1945)História Regional, História do PaísHistória Cultural5.195 Ebooks nesta categoria Herodot fra Halikarnassos: Ægypten Anden bog af Herodots Historie. Autentiske beretninger fra en rejse i faraonernes og pyramidernes land nedskrevet af den græske historiker Herodot for 2500 år siden. Af indholdet: det ældste folk i v … EPUB Dinamarquês €0.99 Jens Peter Jensen: Religio Latina Den foreliggende øvebog i latin er især en læsebog med lettere konstruerede og bearbejdede tekster om romersk religion og har til formål at føre religionsstuderende og religionsinteresserede læsere i … EPUB Dinamarquês €12.99 Arrianos fra Nikomedia: Alexandros’ bedrifter Arrian (egtl. Lucius Flavius Arrianus) fra Nikomedia (ca. 86-160) var en romersk historiker og filosof af græsk oprindelse. Hans historiske værker er skrevet på attisk græsk, mens hans filosofiske sk … EPUB Dinamarquês €12.99 Arnaud Zucker & Claire Le Feuvre: Ancient and Medieval Greek Etymology This volume on ancient Greek synchronic etymology offers a set of papers evidencing the cultural significance of etymological commitment in ancient and medieval literature. It continues a collective … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €164.95 Katarzyna Pietruczuk: Chasing the Idea of Completeness This book sets out to explore how the Romans appropriated the Hellenistic concept of a complete library collection. Tracing this idea in the Roman world allows us to reconstruct the discourse on cult … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €109.95 Eleni Ntanou: Εpic Pastures Although nearly all scholars acknowledge that the Metamorphoses appears to engage with pastoral poetry, there has not been a monograph specifically designed to address and explore the interaction bet … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €129.95 Martina Delucchi: Imagining Telephus Telephus, son of Heracles and king of Mysia, was a key figure in the Trojan War. Both enemy and ally of the Achaeans, he fought against them, was wounded and then cured by Achilles, and led Agamemnon … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €119.95 Ian Nicholas Wood: Europe in Late Antiquity In studying the Late Antique period there are different approaches: political history (fall of the West Roman Empire and its replacement by the Successor States), socio-economic history (e.g. collaps … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €29.95 Fabian Horn: Metaphors of the Ancient World The objective of this edited volume is to bring together contributions from the fields of Ancient Greek and Latin Philology that apply the cognitive linguistic framework of Conceptual Metaphor Theory … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €119.95 Gillian Ramsey Neugebauer: A Social and Cultural History of the Hellenistic World Explore the detailed and personal stories of real people living throughout the Hellenistic world In A Social and Cultural History of the Hellenistic World, author Gillian Ramsey Neugebauer paints a v … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €69.99 Próxima página >>> 0 0 Confira 0,00 × × × Alterar idioma do usuário × ÁrabeAlemãoInglêsEspanholFrancêsHindiIndonésioItalianoMalaioHolandêsPolonêsPortuguêsRomenoRussoSuecoTailandêsTurcoUcranianoVietnamitaChinêsInternational Modal ×