Botânica ApoioCatalogCiênciaBiologiaGeral, DicionáriosMicrobiologiaBotânicaZoologiaBioquímica, BiofísicaEcologiaGenética, Engenharia GenéticaAgricultura, Horticultura, PescaOutro2.318 Ebooks nesta categoria Samiksha Singh & Durgesh Kumar Tripathi: GABA in Plants A comprehensive overview of the role played by GABA as a signaling molecule in plants In GABA in Plants: Biosynthesis, Plant Development, and Food Security, the editors deliver an expertly balanced d … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €165.99 Jake Robinson: Treewilding As we clear millions of hectares of forests globally, the challenge of restoring these precious ecosystems becomes ever more pressing. The stakes are high: a staggering 95% of Earth’s land could succ … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €27.99 Fiona McMillan-Webster: The Age of Seeds Plants evolved seeds to hack time. Thanks to seeds they can cast their genes forward into the future, enabling species to endure across seasons, years, and occasionally millennia. When a 2000-year-ol … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €11.99 Carmel A Pilotti & Paul Bridge: Ganoderma Diseases of Tropical Crops The fungal genus Ganoderma includes around 80 currently recognized species that are widely distributed in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions, and cause disease in a range of economically imp … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €134.99 Iziar A. Ludwig & Hiroshi Ashihara: Plant Nucleotide Metabolism All organisms produce nucleobases, nucleosides, and nucleotides of purines and pyrimidines. However, while there have been a number of texts on nucleotide metabolism in microorganisms and humans, the … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €170.99 Ian Warrington: Horticultural Reviews, Volume 48 Horticultural Reviews presents state-of-the-art reviews on topics in horticultural science and technology covering both basic and applied research. Topics covered include the horticulture of fruits, … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €210.99 John Cardina: Lives of Weeds Lives of Weeds explores the tangled history of weeds and their relationship to humans. Through eight interwoven stories, John Cardina offers a fresh perspective on how these tenacious plants came abo … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €11.99 Irwin Goldman: Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 45 Plant Breeding Reviews presents state-of-the-art reviews on plant genetics and the breeding of all types of crops by both traditional means and molecular methods. Many of the crops widely grown today … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €206.99 Rachael Bush: Botany for Everyone In this book, you’ll learn why plants have stems, basic stem anatomy and function, the difference between upright, creeping, and climbing stems, and why some plants have modified stems. In the back o … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €5.49 Rachael Bush: Botany for Everyone In this book, you’ll learn why plants have roots, basic root anatomy and function, how roots detect gravity, the difference between fibrous and tap roots, and how to spot the different modified roots … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €5.49 Próxima página >>> 0 0 Confira 0,00 × × × Alterar idioma do usuário × ÁrabeAlemãoInglêsEspanholFrancêsHindiIndonésioItalianoMalaioHolandêsPolonêsPortuguêsRomenoRussoSuecoTailandêsTurcoUcranianoVietnamitaChinêsInternational Modal ×