Física / Astronomia ApoioCatalogCiênciaGeralMatemáticaCiência da ComputaçãoFísica / AstronomiaQuímicaCiências da TerraBiologiaTécnicaMedicinaGeral, DicionáriosMecânica, AcústicaEletricidade, magnetismo, óticaTermodinâmicaFísica Atômica, Física NuclearFísica TeóricaAstronomiaOutro36.908 Ebooks nesta categoria M. (Allgarh Muslim University) Qureshi & K. G. (Aligarh Muslim University) Varshney: Inorganic Ion Exchangers in Chemical Analysis The book provides an in-depth discussion regarding inorganic ion exchangers for students, teachers, and researchers engaged in conducting research in chemical technology and related areas. Analytical … EPUB Adobe DRM €75.75 Richard P. Feynman: Photon-hadron Interactions In these classic lectures, Feynman analyses the theoretical questions related to electron and photon interactions at high energies. These lectures are based on a special topics course taught by Feynm … EPUB Adobe DRM €70.59 P.J. Duke & P.B. Kenway: X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis 1992, Proceedings of the 13th INT Conference, 31 August-4 September 1992, Manchester, UK The first ICXOM congress held in Cambridge was the brain-child of Dr. Ellis Cosslett, founder of the Electron Optics Section of the Cavendish Laboratory. Dr. Cosslett pioneered research in x-ray opti … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.34 J.P. Jakubovics: Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Magnetic materials have many interesting and important uses. This book discusses the subject of magnetism and magnetic materials at a level suitable for undergraduates studying Materials Science, Phy … EPUB Adobe DRM €86.10 M. Nisa Khan: Understanding LED Illumination Understanding LED Illumination elucidates the science of lighting for light emitting diodes. It presents concepts, theory, simulations, and new design techniques that shine the spotlight on illuminat … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.73 William H. Hallenbeck: Radiation Protection This text/reference provides an excellent introduction to fundamental topics in radiation protection, including energetics, kinetics, interaction, external radiation protection, dosimetry, standards, … EPUB Adobe DRM €276.34 A.E. Williams: Industrial Energy Systems Handbook Industrial Energy Systems Handbook is a supplementary reading resource for candidates undertaking the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) Certified Industrial Energy Professional (CIEP) program. Un … EPUB Adobe DRM €135.34 Zbigniew Ficek: Quantum Physics for Beginners The textbook covers the background theory of various effects discussed from first principles, as clearly as possible, to introduce students to the main ideas of quantum physics and to teach the basic … EPUB Adobe DRM €91.26 F Lasnier: Photovoltaic Engineering Handbook The Photovoltaic Engineering Handbook is the first book to look closely at the practical problems involved in evaluating and setting up a photovoltaic (PV) power system. The author”s comprehensive k … EPUB Adobe DRM €308.91 N Borisov & A Gurevich: Physics of Microwave Discharges A comprehensive and unique account of the creation of artificially ionized layers in the middle and upper atmosphere, using powerful radio waves. Major physical mechanisms associated with the formati … EPUB Adobe DRM €224.44 Próxima página >>> 0 0 Confira 0,00 × × × Alterar idioma do usuário × ÁrabeAlemãoInglêsEspanholFrancêsHindiIndonésioItalianoMalaioHolandêsPolonêsPortuguêsRomenoRussoSuecoTailandêsTurcoUcranianoVietnamitaChinêsInternational Modal ×