Sistema Político ApoioCatalogCiências sociaisPolíticaGeral, DicionáriosCiência PolíticaTeorias Políticas, História das IdéiasSistema Políticociência política, administração políticaPolítica, Economiaciência política comparativaTeoria do Desenvolvimento, Política de DesenvolvimentoOutro6.003 Ebooks nesta categoria Martin Van Buren: First State of the Union Address In Martin Van Buren’s inaugural First State of the Union Address delivered in 1837, the author presents a poignant reflection on the state of the nation during a period of economic tumult and politic … EPUB Inglês €1.99 Michael Ashcroft: Reunited Nation? Joe Biden’s victory in 2020 was a remarkable end to four tumultuous years. But beyond removing Donald Trump from the White House, what is the mandate that the new President’s voters expect him to ful … EPUB Inglês €5.99 Calvin Coolidge: State of the Union Addresses In ‘State of the Union Addresses, ‘ Calvin Coolidge presents a series of poignant and articulate reflections on American governance, society, and the principles of democracy during the early 20th cen … EPUB Inglês €1.99 Mabroka Al-Werfalli: Political Alienation in Libya In this book, Mabroka al-Werfalli examines the extent and effects of political alienation in Libya. Using a variety of measures, the author highlights links between legitimacy and alienation and unde … EPUB Inglês €10.00 Andrew Johnson: Third State of the Union Address In Andrew Johnson’s ‘Third State of the Union Address, ‘ the author crafts a compelling narrative that unveils the complex political landscape of post-Civil War America. Through eloquent prose and a … EPUB Inglês €1.99 Karl Marx: THE CAPITAL – Karl Marx Capital: Critique of Political Economy, commonly known as Das Kapital, is a foundational theoretical text in communist philosophy, economics, and politics by Karl Marx. The first volume was published … EPUB Inglês €1.99 Ian Dunt: How To Be A Liberal Liberalism is under attack. From the rise of nationalism and populism to the decline of trust in institutions, liberals are facing unprecedented challenges. But what does it mean to be a liberal in t … EPUB Inglês €5.99 Simon Dolan: Trump According to most of the media, the left and the political establishment, Donald Trump was a racist, sexist, dangerous man who debased the office of US President, embarrassed his country and brought … EPUB Inglês €17.99 Tim Cohen: A Piece of the Pie Nationalisation: Swear word for some, cure-all for others both within and outside the ruling party. Tim Cohen, a senior journalist with many years experience in both political and business reporting, … EPUB Inglês €7.99 Theodore Roosevelt: Eighth State of the Union Address In the Eighth State of the Union Address, delivered by Theodore Roosevelt in 1908, the author presents a compelling synthesis of American ideals and progressive policy initiatives. This address serve … EPUB Inglês €1.99 Próxima página >>> 0 0 Confira 0,00 × × × Alterar idioma do usuário × ÁrabeAlemãoInglêsEspanholFrancêsHindiIndonésioItalianoMalaioHolandêsPolonêsPortuguêsRomenoRussoSuecoTailandêsTurcoUcranianoVietnamitaChinêsInternational Modal ×