Sociologia Política ApoioCatalogCiências sociaisSociologiaGeral, DicionáriosTeorias SociológicasPesquisa socialsociologia do trabalho, sociologia econômicaSociologia UrbanaPesquisa FemininaPesquisa em Estrutura SocialSociologia PolíticaOutro2.743 Ebooks nesta categoria Edwin Reischauer: Meaning of Internationalization In The Meaning of Internationalization, Edwin O. Reischauer–former American Ambassador to Japan and one of the world’s most acclaimed scholars of Japanese life and culture–delivers a heartfelt mess … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €14.99 Keith Preston: Beyond the End of History In the quarter century that has passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, fanciful establishment intellectuals have advanced the idea that an “end of history” has som … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €10.99 James L. Peacock & Harry L. Watson: The American South in a Global World Looking beyond broad theories of globalization, this volume examines the specific effects of globalizing forces on the southern United States. Eighteen essays approach globalization from a variety of … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €30.99 Leen Van Brussel & Benjamin De Cleen: Communication and Discourse Theory This volume gathers the work of the Brussels Discourse Theory Group, a group of critical media and communication scholars that deploy discourse theory as a theoretical backbone and an analytical rese … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €31.99 Kevin Funk: Rooted Globalism Does the concept of nationality apply to the economic elite, or have they shed national identities to form a global capitalist class? In Rooted Globalism, Kevin Funk unpacks dozens of ethnographic in … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €30.99 Tyler Andrew Barrett & Sender Dovchin: Critical Inquiries in the Sociolinguistics of Globalization The studies in this collection seek to examine the notions of ‘linguistic diversity’ and ‘hybridity’ through the lenses of new critical theories and theoretical frameworks embedded within the broader … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €36.99 Vandana Shiva: Philanthrocapitalism and the Erosion of Democracy As the world’s billionaire class reaps record profits and global inequalities further divide nations and communities, this anthology compiled by renown activist Dr. Vandana Shiva pulls back the curta … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €11.99 Omar Dahi & Firat Demir: South–South Trade and Finance in the Twenty-First Century This book is a contribution to the international trade and economic development literature and is based on a decade of joint research and collaboration on South–South economic relations. Given the in … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €30.99 Ngaire Woods: The Globalizers The IMF and the World Bank have integrated a large number of countries into the world economy by requiring governments to open up to global trade, investment, and capital. They have not done this out … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €14.99 Kerry Bolton: Babel Inc. Babel Inc. is an essential primer on the politics of globalisation and multiculturalism. Bolton demonstrates that conventional distinctions between the political left and right have been transcended … EPUB Inglês Adobe DRM €10.99 Próxima página >>> 0 0 Confira 0,00 × × × Alterar idioma do usuário × ÁrabeAlemãoInglêsEspanholFrancêsHindiIndonésioItalianoMalaioHolandêsPolonêsPortuguêsRomenoRussoSuecoTailandêsTurcoUcranianoVietnamitaChinêsInternational Modal ×