Are you a Master in the Art of Living?
There are no shortcuts to mastery, friend. If you’re looking for the magic pill or the latest hack, save yourself the disappointment and skip this book. Life is difficult as if you haven’t noticed. No wonder the majority operate on autopilot in hopes of somehow stumbling upon the ‘good life.’
Don’t mistake my truth-telling. Moving from A lone to All One includes a glorious view, but only if you’re willing to stomach the climb-building your CORE, authoring an authentic OPUS, and developing the discipline to productively act it out. You sure you don’t want the recliner and remote instead?
I didn’t think so. You know where that path leads and it’s why you’re so hungry for something real. We all want someone who will make us do what we can. If you’re willing to take the journey, I’ll walk with you-every single day. Together we transform. Always together. After eighteen years of building elite individuals, teams, and leaders, we’ve discovered the hardest part is starting.
Embrace the paradox. Pain is inevitable. Misery is a choice. Becoming Built to Leadis the one journey you never want to begin-but it’s also the one you’ll never want to end. The few who brave the climb experience abnormal doses of clarity. And clarity comes with a cost.
So how do you start? Day One. Read. Write. Reflect. Act. Then move on to Day Two. Rinse and repeat. Masters in the art of living marry the mundane. They find joy in deliberate practice. You can do more than you think.
Start your practice of ‘becoming’ today-Becoming Built to Lead-mastering the art of living. Transform yourself, your team, and your legacy.
’One Day’ or ‘Day One’? You choose. Your choices have consequences.
Live hard. Love harder…
Tabela de Conteúdo
Sampling of the Table of Contents:
Introduction: Becoming BTL
Build Your CORE
Kiesha’s Builders Journey
Day 1: Why are you here?
Day 2: Why we write
Day 3: Happiness
Day 4: CORE-centered and self-controlling
Day 5: Builders Journey
Day 6: Hard to hardened
Day 7: Big FIVE fears
Day 8: Death .
Day 9: Belong and become
Day 10: The melody line of BTL
Day 11: Always together
Day 12: Worldview
Chad’s Builder’s Journey
Day 184: Learntohelpyourleaderville
Day 185: Learned optimism
Day 186: ABCs of optimism
Day 187: Explanatory Style
Day 188: Hope
Day 189: Milk and honey
Day 190: Reminders
Day 191: Hear me
Build Your Relationships
David’s Builder’s Journey
Day 324: Together, we transform
Day 325: Honor the past
Day 326: The gift
Day 327: Becoming BTL
Day 328: Teeks
Day 329: We
Day 330: Born to run toward
Day 331: Vows and wounds
Day 332: Food, wine, and fellowship
Day 356: Affirmation vs information
Day 357: Hands on, America
Day 358: Extra ordinary
Day 359: Articules
Day 360: Hole to whole
Day 361: ONEness
Day 362: ONE
Day 363: Becoming BTL
Day 364: Love
Day 365: Caught, not taught day
Magnum OPUS
About the Author
Sobre o autor
Chet Scott is the founder of BUILT TO LEAD-a band that believes creating sustainable high-performance teams is not only possible but also worthy of the effort. The BTL band knows what builds sustainable, high-performance individuals, teams, and leaders in work and life. Together they awaken, challenge, and transform a few individuals, teams, and leaders.
He and Missi live in Powell, Ohio, and have four adult children: Jordan, Andrew, Kristi, and Taylor.
Connect at Built To