3 Ebooks por Cicero Cicero
Cicero: De Imperio
De Imperio Cn. Pompeii (in support of Pompey), or Pro Lege Manilia, (in favour of the Manilian law) was Cicero”s first speech on public affairs. Delivered in 66 BC when Cicero was praetor, he argued …
Cicero: De Imperio
De Imperio Cn. Pompeii (in support of Pompey), or Pro Lege Manilia, (in favour of the Manilian law) was Cicero”s first speech on public affairs. Delivered in 66 BC when Cicero was praetor, he argued …
Cicero Cicero: Delphi Complete Works of Cicero (Illustrated)
Cicero’s Rome’s greatest orator, Marcus Tullius Cicero was a renowned philosopher and political theorist whose influence upon the history of European literature has been immense. For the first time i …