Autor: Claudia Sternberg

Claudia Sternberg is Senior Research Associate at the European Institute, University College London, UK. She holds a Ph D from Cambridge and an MA from Yale, and taught and researched at Oxford for six years before joining University College.

2 Ebooks por Claudia Sternberg

Claudia Sternberg: The Struggle for EU Legitimacy
This award-winning book answers some of the big questions on the legitimacy of the European Union. Specifically, it looks at what it would mean for the EU to be considered a legitimate body and where …
Claudia Sternberg & Kira Gartzou-Katsouyanni: The Greco-German Affair in the Euro Crisis
This book focuses on one of the most highly charged relationships of the Euro crisis, that between Greece and Germany, from 2009 to 2015. It explores the many ways in which Greeks and Germans&#x …