This book is the third in a series of five books.
The purpose of these books is to bring to light some very important to one’s faith by revealing some not widely known facts of the history of events that have come to pass. In this sharing with you these events that might increase your faith.
We would be joyfully thinking God may have used us to increase your faith.
The time setting in this book is during Israel’s captivity in Babylon and their release to return to their land and rebuild their Temple by the Meades, now known as Iraq. They and their ally, the Persians, now known as Iran, had conquered Babylon.
We learn of the ‘Seventy Years Captivity’ prophecy of Israel and its fulfillment by its release as given to Jeremiah by God.
We see it gives the name of the person who would release them as Cyrus. The prophecy was given a hundred and fifty years before its fulfillment.
If we can place you in that time, living a life as one there and seeing and feeling as one of those that were there, then we accomplished what we set out to do.
Making God’s witness, Israel, to the world, an actual event in your life, will draw you to seek to know more about God and what He desires from you.
Sobre o autor
God gives to those who love Him and seek His company.
I am a man of many past sins, who sought forgiveness and received it.
We are responsible for our choices and are not to be judged against our parents. Nevertheless, we are a product of our parents in what they do —sometimes good and sometimes bad. Their actions have influence upon their children.
I learned from my dad that you could understand what you seek. He had an eighth-grade education but never stopped trying to learn.
My mother was graded high in school, and my dad used her for his dictionary. When he was in his senior years, many men would consult and seek his advice. His advice came from what he had read and learned from the scriptures. We tend to emulate those we admire. I admired him.
God has given me some insights because I desired, sought, and asked for them.
It is contrary to any sense to think a man of a low degree could understand something a scholar would not know. God gives to the base ones to confound the wise. In that, He is magnified through this confoundedness.
“Seek and ye shall find, ” desire, and it shall be given to you.
Sometimes I read again some things I have written and do not remember writing them and am surprised at the understanding of them. I am no scholar, just a man who earns his living as a mason.
I hope you enjoy my effort in writing and are impressed to seek more understanding of God’s message to you, the Bible.