Sleep is a big topic among parents and you’ll get a never-ending stream of advice on what you should do. Then you try the advice and it doesn’t work at all for you! So, what should you do now?
You read Happy Sleeping Baby – Your Guide for Sleep Success, that’s what you do! Within this book you will begin to understand how your baby sleeps, you’ll learn how to set up for sleep success, and what factors can disrupt sleep. You’ll also have age and development guidelines as to what to expect from newborn to age five, learn about stress, what self-regulation really means, and you’ll have an outline of three different sleep training plans that you can use to guide your baby to sleep. One method doesn’t work for all and that’s why you’ll have three different options to work with when making sleep changes.
Take away any guilt you have from making sleep changes for your child. Getting quality sleep is important for growth, development, immune support, physical, and mental well-being for both you and your child. Sleep isn’t a luxury; it’s
essential and you are a great parent for guiding your child to healthy sleep habits!
Get more sleep tips on Instagram and Facebook at @Happy Sleeping Baby or find more
information at Happy Sleeping
Tabela de Conteúdo
Forward 7
About the author 9
What to expect from this book 14
How to use this book 18
Safety checklist 22
Safe sleeping conditions 23
Postpartum depression/anxiety 25
Chapter 1 – Understanding sleep 27
What is sleep? 27
Sleep stages 28
Sleeping through the night 29
Sleep stages at night 30
Why does light or dark matter for sleep? 33
Why is sleep important? 35
Chapter 2 – Happy sleep basics 39
Week 1 39
Before you begin 40
Sleepy cues 41
Awake windows 42
Avoid over-tiredness 44
Room environment 45
What’s all the hype about white noise? 46
Sleep props 46
Your sleeping phrases 50
Routines 52
Naps 58
How to wake your baby from a nap 60
Napping-on-the-go 60
Reducing nap (and eliminating naps) 61
Is your baby ready to drop a nap? 62
Three options to drop a nap 63
Setting up bedtime 64
Eliminate screen time 64
The last step … falling asleep 70
What about co-sleeping? 72
Setting up for sleep check-list 73
Chapter 3 – Factors that affect sleep 75
What are regressions and milestones? 75
Nightmare or night terror? 78
Stress levels 81
Emotional regulation (handling emotions) 85
Learning to self-soothe 87
Consistency 92
Sensitivity and temperament 92
Talk, talk, talk!! 98
Using sign language 100
Pacifiers 101
Developmental tips to help sleep 104
Teething 106
Your relationship after baby 108
Sometimes it’s difficult to fall back to sleep 115
Chapter 4 – Schedules and development by age 117
The first 8 weeks 118
What does the fourth trimester mean for you? 123
Crying – is it colic? 125
Baby sounds 130
2 to 3 months (8 – 12 weeks) 132
Does an early bedtime matter? 133
3 – 6 months (12 – 24 weeks) 137
6 – 8 months (24 – 32 weeks) 144
8 – 12 months (32 – 48 weeks) 149
13 – 18 months 156
2 – 5 years 161
Chapter 5 – Steps towards more sleep 167
What is sleep training? 167
The three main baby sleep training methods 168
Weeks 2 and 3 170
Your sleep goals 174
Happy sleep methods 176
Day 1 and nights 1 through 4 177
Crying 179
Night waking 179
What you might see 181
Naptime – beginning on day 2 182
Night 5 through 8 184
Night 9 through 12 187
Night 13 and 14 189
Happy sleep and beyond 190
Sleep trouble checklist 192
Appendix 195
Setting up for sleep checklist 195
Sleep and nap chart 195
Sleep logs 196
Bedtime routine 197
Hold & help sleep plan cheat sheet 199
Fading sleep plan cheat sheet 201
Leave & check sleep plan cheat sheet 203
References 208
Thank you 216
Sobre o autor
Courtney Landin is a certified Sleep Science Coach specializing in baby sleep. She has helped hundreds of families get better sleep through parent-assisted methods that help child learn to sleep. She is educated in infant mental health along with being a top ranked sleep consultant in the U.S and Sweden.