To Keep Love Blurry is about the charged and troubled spaces between intimately connected people: husbands and wives, parents and children, writers and readers. These poems include sonnets, villanelles, and long poems, as well as two poetic prose pieces, tracing how a son becomes a husband and then a father. Robert Lowell is a constant figure throughout the book, which borrows its four-part structure from that poet’s seminal Life Studies.
Craig Morgan Teicher won the Colorado Prize for Poetry. He is poetry reviews editor for Publishers Weekly magazine and served as vice president on the board of the National Book Critics Circle.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Book One: Life Studies
Part One
The Prince of Rivers
It Came from the Primordial Ooze
Action Reaction
Variations on the Moment of Apprehending the Extent of One’s Responsibility
Part Two
On His Bed and No Longer Among the Living
Part Three
To An Editor Who Said I Repeat Myself and Tell Too Much
Get Out
“Sometimes We Sleep Well In the Midst of Terrible Grief
My Mom, D. 1994
Quatrain Until Dawn
Part Four: To Keep Love Blurry (Life Studies)
Goodbye Girls
Late Poem
Narcissus and Me
Other Women
The Middle Generation
Money Time
Lines in the Rain
The Meantime
The Darkness Echoing
The Past Ahead
Like An Answer, Yes
Book Two: A Celebration
Beginnings for An Essay In Spite of Itself
Grief: A Celebration
Sobre o autor
Craig Morgan Teicher is the author of four books of poems: Welcome to Sonnetville, New Jersey (BOA, 2021); The Trembling Answers (BOA, 2017), which won the 2015 Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize from the Academy of American Poets; To Keep Love Blurry (BOA, 2012); and Brenda Is in the Room and Other Poems (CLP, 2007), winner of the 2007 Colorado Prize for Poetry. He also wrote Cradle Book: Stories and Fables (BOA, 2010) and the chapbook Ambivalence and Other Conundrums (Omnidawn, 2014). His first collection of essays, We Begin in Gladness, was published by Graywolf in November, 2018.
Teicher edited Once and For All: The Best of Delmore Schwartz (New Directions, 2016) and serves as a poetry editor for The Literary Review. He writes about books for many publications, including The New York Times Book Review, The LA Times, and NPR. He worked for many years at Publishers Weekly and is now Digital Director of The Paris Review. He is a 2021 recipient of a fellowship from the Guggenheim Foundation. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and children.