For over a decade the education and employment systems of western industrialized countries have had to adapt to the changes brought about by the post-industrial age. The recession of the early 1990s has led the education and business communities increasingly to look for ways to co-operate in preparing young people and unemployed workers for a new social and economic order. Enterprise learning in action draws on case studies in community and enterprise learning from around the worl...
For over a decade the education and employment systems of western industrialized countries have had to adapt to the changes brought about by the post-industrial age. The recession of the early 1990s has led the education and business communities increasingly to look for ways to co-operate in preparing young people and unemployed workers for a new social and economic order. Enterprise learning in action draws on case studies in community and enterprise learning from around the world to show how young people and the unemployed can be taught the enterprise skills which will enable them to survive in an uncertain world. Dale E.Shuttleworth looks in particular at how this can be done outside the formal school system and within the community in ways which are responsive to the particular needs of each locality. His message is overall one of great optimism for a future in which those who are at present rejected by the system can become active and valued contributors. Enterprise learning in action will appeal to all students and researchers from primary through to adult education and to those in local economic development.