Climate change is now doing far more harm than marooning polar bears on melting chunks of ice—it is damaging the health of people around the world. Brilliantly connecting stories of real people with cutting-edge scientific and medical information,
Changing Planet, Changing Health brings us to places like Mozambique, Honduras, and the United States for an eye-opening on-the-ground investigation of how climate change is altering patterns of disease. Written by a physician and worl...
Tabela de Conteúdo
List of Illustrations
Foreword by Jeffrey Sachs
1 Mozambique
2 The Mosquito’s Bite
3 Sobering Predictions
4 Every Breath You Take
5 Harvest of...
Sobre o autor
Paul R. Epstein, MD, MPH, (1943–2011) was Associate Director of the Center for Health and Global Environment at Harvard Medical School and a medical doctor trained in ...