The influence of Rome on medieval plainsong and liturgy explored in depth.
Containing substantial new studies in music, liturgy, history, art history, and palaeography from established and emerging scholars, this volume takes a cross-disciplinary approach to one of the most celebrated and vexing questions about plainsong and liturgy in the Middle Ages: how to understand the influence of Rome? Some essays address this question directly, examining Roman sources, Roman liturgy, or Roman practice, whilst others consider the sway of Rome more indirectly, by looking later sources, received practices, or emerging traditions that owe a foundational debt to Rome.
Daniel J. Di Censo is Assistant Professor of Music at the College of the Holy Cross; Rebecca Maloy is Professor of Musicology at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Contributors: Charles M. Atkinson, Rebecca A. Baltzer, James Borders, Susan Boynton, Catherine Carver, Daniel J. Di Censo, David Ganz, Barbara Haggh-Huglo, David Hiley, Emma Hornby, Thomas Forrest Kelly, William Mahrt, Charles B. Mc Clendon, Luisa Nardini, Edward Nowacki , Christopher Page, Susan Rankin, John F. Romano, Mary E. Wolinski
Tabela de Conteúdo
Doxa en ipsistis Theo: Its Textual and Melodic Tradition in the ‘Missa graeca’ – Charles M Atkinson
The Changing Roles of Old Saint Peter’s in Late Antique and Early Medieval Rome – Charles Mc Clendon
The Archdeacon, Power, and Liturgy before 1000 – John Romano
The Earliest Antiphons of the Roman Office – Edward Nowacki
The Paschal Vigil in Medieval Rome – Thomas Kelly
As the Bells Toll: Parish Proximity in Medieval Rome – Catherine Carver Mc Currach
The Moment of Scrutiny in the
Missale Gallicanum Vetus and the Instruction of Catechumens in Merovingian and Carolingian Francia – David Ganz
Melodic Style and the Transmission History of the Beneventan Easter Vigil Canticles – Emma Hornby
Fitting New Texts into Old Melodies: The Diffusion and Technique of Prosulas for Tracts and Graduals – Luisa Nardini
Singing the Psalter in the Early Middle Ages – Susan K Rankin
The Tonality of the Numerical Offices in Cambrai, Médiathèque municipale, MS 38 – Barbara Haggh-Huglo
Revisiting the
Admonitio generalis – Daniel J. Di Censo
An Overlooked Source of the
Pontifical romain du XIIe siècle and its Chants: Lyon, Bibliothèque des Facultés catholiques, MS Réserve 1/0011 [olim MS 2] – James Borders
Music and the Cluniac Vision of History in Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 17716 – Susan Boynton
To Chant in a Vale of Tears –
Melodic Trope as Modal Rhetoric – William Mahrt
Proper Office Chants for St George in South German Manuscripts – David Hiley
Notre-Dame and the Challenge of the Sainte-Chapelle in Thirteenth-Century Paris – Rebecca Baltzer
Music for the Confraternity of St James in Paris – Mary Wolinski
Publications by Joseph Dyer
Sobre o autor
EDWARD NOWACKI is Professor Emeritus of musicology at the College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati.