Side with the English? Never!
The sibling rivalry between brothers Pierre and Jan Rousseau escalates when the Smuts Government declares war on Nazi Germany. Pierre, the charming extrovert, chooses the more glamorous option, heading Up North with the Air Force but his equally good-looking rightwing brother Jan joins the militant wing of the Ossewa Brandwag.
The story tracks their adventures during the conflict, reaching a climax when Pierre survives a spell on the loose in Italy and returns home.
It portrays the deep division World War II created between groups and individuals in South Africa and the life-changing impact it had on many lives.
Youll be fascinated as you follow the brothers hairy and often romantic adventures.
I enjoyed being reminded of the complex nature of war and especially the disastrous consequences of limited access to information had for the world at large. Its hard to imagine in this day and age of tweeting and instant messaging that there were times when people sincerely didnt know the truth before it was too late. (Wir haben nicht gewusst!)
Amelia de Vaal, editor and literary translator
Sobre o autor
Dave Baker’s background and psyche are rooted in South Africa’s rainbow of cultures. Born and raised in the capital of the then Transkeian Territories, Mthatha, less than forty kilometers from the birthplace of Nelson Mandela, he was raised as an English boy but, during many years of his business career, was closely associated with many Afrikaans-speaking colleagues and friends.
His father, Frank, was placed in a Quaker orphanage in Bristol at age ten but served as a fighter pilot in the Royal Flying Corps during World War I before graduating with a science degree and fighting in North Africa with the South African Artillery in World War II. He and Dave’s mother, a graduate from the Incorporated London Academy of Music, immigrated to South Africa in 1925, where his father was a math and science master and headmaster for over thirty years.
Following abortive attempts to become a geologist or lawyer, caused partly by his keen interest in sporting and social activities, Dave entered the financial services industry. Qualifying as an associate of the Insurance Institute of South Africa and fellow of the Institute of Risk Management, he found fulfillment as a manager of an insurance company and director of two international insurance broking companies. During that time, his extramural interests included serving as the chairman of a round table and president of a rotary club.